Chapter 13

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Rita noticed Jonathan's look of disapproval as he kept looking down on at her feet which were not clad in the perfectly expensive heels he bought her. He snapped his head up to look at her and unsuccessfully failed to mask his disapproval with a big fake smile.  Rita realized that the charming Jonathan she had met at the meeting was gone and in his place was a very annoying man who despite his animated talk still managed to make small talk sound like an old lecture in a history class and Rita was almost yawning out of boredom. His clammy hand rested on Rita's waist and she almost gagged.

Rita wondered why she agreed to be his date in the first place . Maybe because you needed to spite your boss, huh? Now see where that got you. She pushed aside the voice that whispered strongly in her head and tried to engage in small talk with Jonathan.

Rita was trying to force a laugh on something Jonathan said and that is when her boss decided to enter the party.  Mr. Bucks Zimba walked in commanding every attention in the room with his measured steps as he nodded to everyone in passing. Clearly, this was not a man for small talk. His chocolate brown suit clung to his muscled form making him look huge and intimidating .

Okay, that was one aspect she always choose to overlook. Bucks Zimba was huge, big hulk of a man with bulging muscles. She was not exactly small though her mates thought she was petite but for some reason her creator decided that her rear and hips be too big for her frame that she had even been asked constantly if it was natural.. okay not maybe too big ... But in comparison to Bucks' size definitely he would break her in half..... Damn it. Rita mentally slapped herself and shun that voice inside her head. She was supposed to loathe this man , what was she thinking!

Her eyes moved to the girl in his arms and felt her insides tighten with a twinge of jealousy. The girl was gorgeous, she seemed of Asian decent with a gorgeous hour glass plus sized frame that would leave many girls jealous. Hmm ! Zara should've been here . Being plus size ain't bad at all. She thought as she wondered how the girl could pull off something so simple as a cotton white dress into an elegant look completed with six inch nude heels.  Rita brought back her attention to Jonathan who was now talking as he  glared in Mr. Bucks' direction while trying so hard not to grit his teeth.

Jonathan tried talking or rather stuttered then fell silent . He was now fully glaring in Mr. Bucks' direction and Rita was forced to turn to look in that direction too . Rita came face to face with her boss who was staring at her like a starved man eyeing a  delicious piece of meat dangling inches from his mouth. However , he was not staring at her face but he was staring at her behind so intently that Rita slapped him on impulse. The slap drew shocked reactions in the room but Mr. Bucks was not even bothered. He only smirked after nodding at them in greeting, a wicked gleam in his eyes and strode away with his date who seemed quite unconcerned in his arms but not before shooting a murderous look at Jonathan. Yap! Something was definitely up between these two men.

Rita had listened to Jonathan's boring talk for probably an hour now and was desperately fighting not to yawn so as not to upset him further. Jonathan for some  unexplainable reason to her seemed quite angry  and was failing miserably to hide that fact by his big smile plastered over his face that only made him seem like a sadistic clown. The only problem, however, was that Rita was about to discover how sadistic he actually was.

"Ah, Rita dear. Why don't I take you somewhere much more cooler and refreshing than this place... Presumably outside in the garden?" Jonathan said to her and was now dragging her towards a certain door.

"W - what ? Where-" Rita stuttered.

" Be silent!" Jonathan's voice which was gentle now became cold enough to freeze Rita on the spot. His grip on her wrist tightened.

" Jonathan!" Rita meant to question but it sounded more like a panicked shriek.

In that moment, everything happened so quickly. One minute, she was writhing, trying to break free from Jonathan's iron grip and the next minute ,she  was flung backwards and hit something hard, presumably a wall.

She watched wide-eyed as people were now running out of the mansion in various directions while the sound of gunshots resounded all over the place. Some people were stumbling and falling down, a likely result of being shot. The entire place was a mess, screams , trampling of foot, smashing of glass , gunshots and blood.

When Rita registered in her mind that  she was supposed to be moving, she felt a hard cold object being pressed on the side of her head  and her body was now being pushed forward by someone.

"Don't you dare try anything stupid. I'll shoot!" Jonathan's voice growled in her ear and her head snapped up to meet a very risky scene that had unfolded in front of her.

Bucks Zimba, her boss, stood in front of them. His hands behind his back and on his either side, armed men were aiming guns at each other . They were waiting for a single signal to turn the place into a chaotic circus which involved blood and death. Mr. Bucks casually tapped his foot , maintaining a relaxed posture as if standing in between men that had the potential of blowing you up into a mass of flesh with perforated holes in a second was completely usual.

" Jonathan , how nice is it to see you  in this beautiful party. Hmm. I see you are enjoying yourself pretty much but there is no need of spilling more useless blood in one of my favourite mansions. " He paused, " let her go."

"Not until , you give me what I want!!" Jonathan countered back.

" Jonathan, in case you haven't noticed yet. I am your boss, the boss. With that I believe you understand that only me, myself and I , is in a position to determine whether to give you what you want. "

"Very well, sir.  Say goodbye to your very personal assistant, " Rita's eyes widened and she tried desperately to free herself from Jonathan's immovable iron grip.

" Jonathan, kindly be considerate so as to clean up after your little execution. I don't appreciate blood on my most expensive floors," Mr. Bucks said in a dismissing tone as he turned away .

No, no ,no ,no I can't die like this. Rita panicked and started clawing on Jonathan's arms .

Bucks last statement startled Jonathan and he looked down at her , his grip loosening a little. At that moment, Rita's eyes caught Mr. Bucks mouthing at her to "get down". She wrenched out of Jonathan's loosened grip with the little strength she mustered then many deafening shots rang out.

" NO ! " A word was bellowed out in a deep gravel voice which was unmistakably Bucks'. Rita felt numb and then she registered pain somewhere in her leg and in her shoulder then she hit the ground and her vision started swimming.

The last thing she saw ,was Mr. Bucks diving forward, towards her then everything else turned black.

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