No Smiling, You're Sick!

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This chapter is a little short because I wanted it to be out in time for Tom's birthday...which ends in literally a couple hours here in England. Please stay tuned for the next!


Peter's Pov:

I woke up not long after I dozed off again, Dad was gone and I was alone in my bed. My phone was voilently vibrating like it was yesterday, I thought I turned off Ned's message notifications? I slowly reached for my phone, before flopping back into my pillows I had stacked up behind my head. My screen brightness blinded me, making my headache spike up momentarily as I tried to adjust it.

It wasn't Ned this time, it was MJ!

From MJ 💘: Peter, where the fuck are you?

From MJ 💘: You're gonna be late is you don't get your ass here soon!

From MJ 💘: I can't find Ned either.

From MJ 💘: Ned just texted me, he's still hungover or something, but he said you're sick?????

From MJ 💘: Are you alright, are you coming, what's going on?????

I looked at those messages, I was getting the feeling that she was worried about me. Maybe I should make her laugh?

From Peter 🕸: Yeah, I'm sick...sick as in awesome!

From MJ 💘: I'm starting to get sick of your bullshit, what's the matter with you?

From Peter 🕸: I got mono and I'm dying.

From MJ 💘: Dang, that's rough! Are you going to be ok?

From Peter 🕸: I'm sure I'll be fine, it just sucks balls right now. If anything it was probably for the best that we didn't kiss at the party, I wouldn't wanna get you sick too x

From MJ 💘: Aww Peter, quit making me blush! People are starring.

From Peter 🕸: Who wouldn't, you're beautiful x

From MJ 💘: You really know how to make a girl feel special, Peter Stark, even when you're sick x

From Peter 🕸: Thanks, I try x

From MJ 💘: Well, I have to go and spend the school day by myself since you losers went and abandoned me. I hope you feel better, I'll text you at lunchtime x

From Peter 🕸: I'll look forward to that x

And that's how you text a girl!

I put my phone back on my bedside table before laying back on my bed, I looked up at the ceiling with a weak smile on my face. I was impressed with myself.

"Hey! No smiling, you're sick!" I heard Clint say with a strict tone as he came into the room, taking me a bit by surprise.

"I'm s-sorry." I said as I slowly shuffled back onto my elbows.

"I'm just messing, Kid. Your Mom told me to bring you this." He said as he passed me a mug, this time with some hot tea in it.

"Thanks." I said, taking it from him. I took a sip, the warm liquid feeling nice against my throat.

"Mono, huh?" Clint said as he observed the rash on my face, I nodded slowly.

"What's her name?" He asked playfully, I guess he assumed I got it by kissing someone, which of course wasn't exactly the case.

"Red plastic cup." I told him, maybe he would get the memo.

"Ohhhh, the old cup share. I get it." He said as he sat down on the edge of my bed.

"You've h-had mono too?" I asked him, taking another sip. Might as well be spilling the tea on our immune systems and bad decisions.

"Well, no. But I've had a couple friends that've had it from the old smooch or shared drinks, one time someone spat in someone's mouth and caught it." Clint listed.

"Eww, that's gross!" I said in disgust.

"Sorry Pete, I should've taken into consideration that you're already feeling pretty crummy." Clint apologised, to be fair it wasn't affecting me as bad as the pain was. Despite my recent medicine dose I didn't feel any better.

Luckily, Bruce made a reappearance in my room.

"Morning Peter, how are you feeling this morning?" Bruce asked as he looked down at his files.

"And a very good morning to you too, Dr Banner!" Clint said with a boat load of sarcasm, I tried to giggle but my throat wouldn't let that happen. That bitch!

"Oh hey, Clint." Bruce said briefly, not taking any Clint sarcasm today and just got on with his evaluation on me.

"I s-still feel yucky." I told him, in my saddest voice I had. In no way was it an exaggeration either, as I said I'm a reality queen.

"I was expecting that. FRI, what's Peter's temperature?" He asked.

"Peter has a temperature of 102.9 degrees." FRIDAY confirmed, just my luck, it was going up!

"Has the medicine been helping?" He asked me, I slowly shook my tired little head.

"No, and it tastes s-super yucky! Why weren't they pizza roll flavour?" I asked him, he just chuckled sympathetically.

"I'm sorry Pete, I doubt it's possible to make pizza roll flavoured medicines. Including me. I will try for next time. Anyway, if the medicine isn't working I suggest that we get you onto a stronger dose." Bruce suggested, I could take anything stronger in a heartbeat.

"Right, I have got some with me. This is actually a tablet which you need to let fizz on your tongue until it dissolves, it should help ease your symptoms. However they sort of have no flavour and just taste pretty dull and gross." Bruce warned me as he prepared me the tablets. I'll take dull over orange, give it to me Doc!

I took the tablet and put it on my tongue, I hated the feeling of it fizzing and dissolving on my tonguw. It was weirdly chalk like. Once it dissolved I took a couple sips of tea before Clint and Bruce left me on my own to rest. 

Hopefully this would work, what's the worst that could happen?

Mono-man: A Spiderson SickficWhere stories live. Discover now