Peter, I've Got An Issue!

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Peter's Pov:
There is part of me that likes to think that I'm on the mend, I mean my tonsils are still throbbing and my upper left abdomen was squirming but the pain isn't getting worse. Also, I'm not falling asleep every five minutes. I managed to stay awake for an entire episode of The Big Bang Theory, so that's an improvement. Going to the toilet alone was still a work in progress, but sitting up in bed is a skill I've regained.

"Does Baby want a popsicle?" I heard Uncle Steve call out from my doorway, in some sort of patronising baby voice. Haha, I get it, I'm small!

"Pwease uncwle Stevie!" I cooed, going along his joke. Making grabby hands for the frozen treat. He gave me the popsicle, it was grape flavoured this time, and I started sucking on it.

"Are you practicing or something?" Steve asked both confused and amused, crap I realise I'm deep-throating a popsicle. I took it out of my mouth and started innocently licking it.

"Just teasing, you feeling any better?" He asked me, I shrugged. I didn't know how I felt.

"Well your attendance is going to be shocking after this, what if they try to exclude you from field trips and stuff?" Uncle Steve asked.

"It's their loss." I joked, I knew for a fact that the school didn't have the budget to do field trips for the rest of the school year. Steve laughed at my response before patting my shoulder.

"Rest up, Queens." He said before turning around to leave the room.

"Thanks for the popsicle, Brooklyn." I I croaked out, I had been talking too much.

"You sound like a rat!" I heard Clint's voice echo from the vents. I rolled my eyes and tried to ignore him, this is just another sick day at the Avengers compound. We all take the piss out of each other, aww like one big happy family. Gross.

Suddenly, my phone starts violently vibrating on my bedside table. I picked it up and saw Ned's face appear on the screen, he was requesting to video chat me. Might aswell, I accepted the requeststraight away. I would be nice to get to talk to my pal, my good buddy.

"Peter, I've got an issue! Are you awake?" He asked me.

"No, I'm p-practicing for my funeral." I told him.

"I'll mourn you then." Ned chuckled.

"What do you w-want Ned, aren't you supposed to be in biology class right now?" I asked him, it's the middle of the day. And whenever I'm sick I constantly watch the clock and think to myself 'I should be in Math right now'. That's pretty sad.

"Well that's the problem, you know how I was really hungover?" He asked, I nodded before taking another lick of my popsicle. It was yummy.

"I told my Mom that I had the stomach flu, so I wouldn't get into trouble but I haven't been able to wriggle out of the web I've lies I created so she still thinks I'm sick and how she's making me go to the doctor's office!" Ned told me in a panic, that is some problem.

"Okay, and what do y-you want me to do about that? I'm sort of bed bound." I told him, I mean dang for Ned but it was his problem and I did try to stop him from going overboard.

"You're the brains, and I'm the looks in this relationship. Help me out here!" He told me, I rolled my eyes a bit too far back in my head as a wave of pain shot through my skull. Fucking mono microbes!

"Just say you feel better." I told him.

"Oh yeah, why didn't I think about that?" Ned said.

"I'm the brains, remember." I told him.

"It's a bit too late for that, for the last few days I've been going to the bathroom just to make retching noises to keep up my act. I've barely eaten anything, Peter, I'm wasting away." Ned complained.

"I suggest you tell your Mom you feel f-fine and just go about your day as normal, otherwise you're gonna d-die."I told him.

"Alright, I'll try. Anyways, how are you doing Pete?" Ned asked.

"I've been better." I told him, I might not be showing it but the pain hasn't stopped.

"When do you think you can come back to school, I miss you Dude." Ned said, making me blush a little, or it may just be the fever. It was really anyone's guess *turns head to look at you reading this right now, yes you!*

"When I can go to the b-bathroom alone and stay awake for hours at a time." I told him, also the pain had to be much more bearable and the rash should probably calm down a bit before I show my face at Midtown Tech again.

"I mean you're doing a good job at staying awake right now, you have massive purple bags under your eyes." Ned pointed out.

"Geez Ned, you really now how to make me feel pretty." I told him sarcastically, I was aware I looked like a zombie but I didn't need him to tell me that.

"That's what I do, I bring joy to the people. I think I gotta go now, feel better Peter." Ned rushed as I assumed he heard his mom coming for him.

"Good luck." I said before he hung up, wasn't that a lovely chat? I finished up my popsicle and shimmied down under my blanket as I was ready to watch another episode of The Big Bang Theory, season one episode eleven, The Pancake Batter Anomaly.

As I laid their and watched Sheldon complain about how the colour of his mucus has shifted from clear to milky green, I heard my bedroom door opened with my eyes naturally wondering in the same direction. Dad was in the door with a steaming bowl of which I presume is chicken soup for me.

"Hey Kiddo, how long have you been awake?" Dad asked, normally Dad has to wake me up if he brings me things like soup and medicine and stuff. It's almost like I have narcolepsy with this sickness.

"Maybe an hour." I answered as I rubbed my eyes, they were a little tired and sore but I wasn't going to just pass out. It's just been a while since I fell asleep last.

"Woah, I didn't know that was possible for a sick spiderling." Dad joked as he propped my head up with pillows so I could eat my soup. Again, very tasty as it was made by Mommy.

"Do you feel like you might be able to start walking soon?" Dad asked me, I took a sip of soup from my spoon as I thought about it. I still felt very weak and fatigued but often I'd get spurts of energy and feel like I need to walk it off. So I nodded.

"Great, maybe tomorrow we'll get you to walk to the bathroom to start. I'll need to check with Bruce first." Dad said and I nodded, I wasn't gonna argue with him as Bruce was the one we should listen to for medical advice. If he thought I fit enough to start moving around then I would listen as much as it would kill me.

"It would be nice to g-get back into school, I really miss my friends." I told Dad, thinking back to my conversation with Ned earlier.

"I know you do, Bambino. But let's be honest you aren't exactly falling behind, you're ahead in most of your classes." Dad said, I was trying not to be too modest as I was proud of my academic achievements. But I did count myself lucky that I wasn't behind and likely wasn't going to fall behind.

"Yeah, you're right. It's just that I miss being surrounded by people, having structure to my day instead of j-just sleeping them away." I said honestly, I missed it a lot. Well, apart from the occasional bullying from Flash but I'm sure that he'll get tired of it real soon.

"I'm sure we'll get you back into a routine in no time. That reminds me, it's time for your medicine." Dad said checking his watch, I whimpered sadly and leaned my head back on the pillow. I hated this part of the day, Bruce really needs to develop pizza roll flavoured medicine before I die.

I swallowed down the disgusting orange funk before Dad decided to tuck me in, suggesting that I take a nap. I agreed that a nap sounded amazing.

"Sleep tight, Bambi." He said softly as he fluffed up my hair.

"Night Dad." I yawned as I closed my eyes, the lights were out and I was pooped!

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