Chapter One

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Hey guys! This is a new story of mine, which is a Hunter Hayes fan fiction.

Picture is of the main character, Aisling Sharpe, played by Christina Schmidt


I sat on the tailgate of my truck, watching my older brothers work in the yard. Cars rolled down the dusty road, beeping to us at times. I smiled to myself. I loved this town. I loved being a country girl and this was the perfect life for me. The only thing I was missing was a man.

My brothers were 21 and 23 and they both had women already. In fact, they were sitting here with me. Me? Well, I'm only 19, turning 20 next month. And I'm nothing compared to my brothers, nor their girlfriends.

You see, my brothers are quite fit. They have nice muscles and ripped abs; the typical cowboy in this town. Their girlfriends are the skinny model looking type of girls with hair flowing down their backs. They made the cowboy hats and boots look extremely sexy. I couldn't do that. I had a completely different body type. I was a bit bigger than some of the girls here. And it's always been hard finding clothes for me seeing as all those fancy plus sized stores aren't around here. In fact, we had to travel into the city for that. I only had a few outfits that fit me perfectly and I used those for special occasions.

So here I am in a pair of baggy bell bottom jeans that are a bit too big and a tank top with a zipped up sweatshirt over it. My brown hair blew in the wind, making it quite unappealing. But all that mattered was that my family loved me and the whole town loved me. That was what cheered me up.

"So Aisling, when are you going to start dating?" Paige, my eldest brother's fiancée, asked.

"Once I get asked out," I shrugged.

"Oh come on! You should just ask one of the guys in town to go out with you some day. You've got confidence enough!" Chelsea, Trey's girlfriend, exclaimed.

"Yeah right. Me? Confidence? Good one Chels!" I laughed.

"You totally have confidence! You can talk to anyone, even if you don't know them," Paige said.

"That's just because I'm a friendly person," I insisted.

"Whatever. You're impossible," she huffed and crossed her arms over her chest.

"Aww, what's got my beautiful wife to be pouting?" Jordan asked, walking towards us.

"Your sister," she mumbled.

He pecked her lips, wrapped his arms around her waist and looked at me.

"What'd you do now squirt?" he wondered.

"I did nothing. She's just being dramatic. AS USUAL!"

"Hey!" she whined. "That's not nice!"

"All right, all right, break it up you two," Trey chuckled, approaching Chelsea. "We don't need no cat fights out here. Mama wouldn't be very happy about that."

I smiled. This was how it always was. Chelsea, Paige and I bickered all the time and when they were proven wrong, they'd fake all mad, just to get my brothers' attention. The bickering was never real for us, so it wasn't like we hated one another. In fact, I loved the girls!

But there were also times like these that I hated. I was sitting in the middle of two couples who were speaking sweet words to each other and smooching on one another. I quietly slipped down from the tailgate and walked through the field to the house. My mama smiled at me when I entered the kitchen. I kissed her on the cheek.

"Are your brothers and sister in laws coming in? Dinner's almost ready," she said.

"Yes Mama, but they might be a bit longer than anticipated. They're being all touchy feely with the girls. You know how that is," I fake gagged.

She laughed sweetly and patted my cheek. "You'll understand some day sweet cheeks. Now go wash up for dinner. We have a guest coming so make sure you scrub under those fingernails."

"Yeah yeah ma," I mumbled, rolling my eyes and walking upstairs.

I went into the bathroom and locked the door, stripping myself of my clothing. I got into the shower and scrubbed myself as clean as possible. I felt refreshed when I stepped out. I always loved showers. They were almost my favorite part of the day.

Walking into my room, I decided that I would wear a pair of my nice jeans and a red plaid loose button down. At least I'd look halfway decent. I dried my hair and let my waves flow. I wouldn't bother straightening it. Whoever this guest was could deal with it. I wasn't trying to impress anyone.

I headed downstairs and I immediately heard a bunch of noise coming from the living room. I walked in to see my parents dancing and laughing while my brothers and their girlfriends cheered and clapped for them. I smiled to myself and sat down on my daddy's chair, watching them. My parents were so sweet together. I hope that when I'm older I have something like that. But at this rate, I wasn't going to have anybody.

A knock at the door caused everyone to pause. Mama went over to the radio and turned it off. Then she went to answer. I could hear her chatting with someone and I was getting more anxious. Who was visiting tonight?

"Come on in," I heard her say and the door made a click noise as it shut.

Footsteps came down the hallway, nearing us. And when they stopped, I looked up at the visitor. Standing there was a familiar face. He was quite attractive if I must say. His blonde hair was tussled perfectly on top of his head giving him a sexy look. And those bright eyes just drew you in.

"Hunter Hayes! Man, I haven't seen you in nearly two years!" my brother Trey exclaimed, jumping up and hugging him.

"I know, it's been too long," Hunter smiled.

I remembered this guy now. Trey and Hunter had been best friends in high school. Hunter had always been a singer, but about two years ago he actually went off to pursue his dreams. He must be back home to visit his family.

"And Chelsea, how are you? You two are still going strong I assume?" he wondered.

"Yep, Trey's whipped," Jordan spoke up.

"Hey, you are too," Paige said, looking at him with a glare. "After all, you are the engaged one."

"Yes ma'am," he said, looking down.

I smirked, but stayed silent.

"Well now that you have said your hellos, why don't we sit down for dinner?" my mother suggested.

"That sounds great Mrs. Sharpe," Hunter smiled, setting the guitar on his back down.

"Great, I'll lead the way," she grinned. "Come on."

I had a frown on my face as we entered the dining room. He hadn't even said hello to me. He was a guest here. He could at least acknowledge my presence. What a jerk. I could tell this dinner was not going to go well.


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