Going Back To The Burrow

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Posted: 31st July 2020.
You want to go back to where you felt safe,
To hear your brother's laughter,
See your mother's face.
Your childhood home is just powder white bones.

Carina's POV.
I've now been three days and I'm already going mad but luckily I'm going to the Burrow early since yesterday I had a argument which ended in me having several bruises and a scar going across my collarbone but since I'm a metamorphmagus I'm able to hide them and just told Mrs and Mr Weasley that we got into an argument, well anyway after getting one of the house elves to apparate me to the Burrow I walk up to the door, knocking politely then the door opens and I see Mrs Weasley. Walking into the kitchen, I hold onto my bag, once I'm sitting in the kitchen with Mrs Weasley, she says "Carina dear, lunch isn't for another twenty minutes but would you like anything?" and I reply like always "Please can I have a cup of tea?". Nodding, Mrs Weasley goes and makes two cup of tea for us, once the tea is ready Mrs Weasley asks "So, Carina what classes are you taking for your O.W.Ls?" and I reply "I'm taking all of the courses as I'm aiming for 12 Owls then in sixth year I'm going to also take Alchemy since I want 13 NEWTs", "That's excellent! Percy did the exact same thing" and the second those words leave Mrs Weasley's mouth I smile brightly, Percy, to bad he won't be here until 8pm since he's at work. After a bit Mrs Weasley says "Carina dear, why don't you leave go up to Ginny's room, you'll be staying there rest of the summer and I'll return your luggage to normal size" and I simply nod, smiling politely. Once upstairs I work into Ginny's room and see it empty so I assume she's off talking to one of the boys seeing as Hermione and Aprodite are meant to get here two days after me while I'm not completely sure about Harry. After reading for a bit I go downstairs when Mrs Weasley calls us down for lunch, when we are all sitting at the table for lunch Ginny says "So, Cara when did you get here?" and I reply "About half an hour ago". After lunch we go outside and play Quidditch the entire afternoon until we decide to go in. I go to Ginny's room gathering my showering items before going to her bathroom and having a shower. After my shower I get changed and go downstairs for dinner, when we're all sitting down at the table and are eating, Percy turns to me and says "Have you been doing any of your school work?", I reply saying "Yeah though I have got Muggle Studies and History of Magic left both of which I have to do an essay. For Muggle Studies I'm doing an essay on the Car and for History of Magic I'm writing a biography on Rowana Ravenclaw", then Ron says incredulously "You know how to fix a car?" and I answer "Yes I read all about Cars when I was seven", Ginny asks excitedly "What about Camping? Do you know how to camp?" and once again I answer "Yeah. I ran away from Malfoy Manor for 8 days". "Why did you go back?" George said then Fred continues on saying "Did you forget the books?" and I reply slightly embarrassed "No, they had to drag me back screaming and kicking" and looking surprised Ron says "You actually kicked the Malfoys. That's bloody wicked mate" but I unfortunately decided to correct him and answer "Unfortunately no, they sent two Ministry Workers to collect me and then made me deal with a four hour long lecture from the Senior Undersecretary of the Minister for Magic". Then the second I finish saying that Mrs and Mr Weasley look up from their conversation in shock while Percy looks a mixture of confusion and shock, Mr Weasley asks "They made you deal with Umbridge?" and I nod as Percy says "Under normal circumstances I would hate to speak badly of a coworker but Umbridge really is horrendous, for example I understand her affections towards cats as they have a certain loveable way to them but to even think of wearing that much pink simply flabbergasts and repulses me to the extent I shudder to spend more than a minute in her company". I nod saying "Yeah she really is horrible, I once saw her threaten her assistant with detention. And I'm pretty certain that she can't give out detention to the Ministry Workers" and George replies "You know I'm not even sure you are joking, because I'll bet you all the day Cara tells a joke is the day she dies" and I roll my eyes saying sarcastically "Wow you really are giving me dozens of reasons not to joke, you know?". Ginny says "He has a point, you remind me of Miss Pickwell" and Mrs Weasley asks "Ginny who's Miss Pickwell?" and Fred says "Bad Education its a muggle show, Mione and Dite showed us", Ron says "Yeah we watched the show with Mione and Aphrodite but Cara isn't allowed to watch it since its a fifteen", in response I say "Well despite me being fifteen they feel it necessary to not allow my knowledge of muggles to expand" and Ginny replies "That's because you don't know about it". Percy, Mrs and Mr Weasley all look urgent and awkward at the subject until Mrs Weasley says to me "Well it's not that bad so long as you know the basics" and I say with my eyebrows furrowed "Well I know babies come from factories and potions are poured into dolls". As the twins mock slightly Percy says "It isn't that bad you didn't find out until your fourth year" but they just laugh and say in unison "Oliver told us first year Perce". Then after endless amounts of teasing I go to bed and for the first time in a while I manage to get to sleep.

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