She Needed Saving

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The wind blew his hair like mad. It'd become an absolute tangled mess, but it'd be worth it.
Hawks knew he didn't need to be out. He had his assistants out to be doing hero work. He couldn't just stay at his apartment though.
Dabi was just pushing his buttons and trying to get a reaction. Hawks really didn't want to feed his flame.
He had been hired by the hero commission services to work as a double agent and investigate the League of Villains.
Just thinking about the Commission services made his blood boil. He wished that stupid deal had never taken place when he was little. Maybe he would've been able to live a better life.
Then again... Life might have turned out a million times worse. The way things were now, he had the ability to change people's lives. As long as he could be there to make sure people could sleep at night assured that they were safe, everything was worth it. No matter what happened to him.
A scream from below snapped him out of his thoughts.
He immediately dove downward, rolling on the ground before popping to his feet. "What's the emergency?" He asked.
He was practically tackled by a young girl with brown hair.
"Oh my gosh you're Hawks! You're my favorite hero!" She cried.
Despite the pain pulsing through his leg, he couldn't help but smile. "So there's no danger?"
She laughed nervously. "No, there's no danger. I'm sorry, I just got really excited."
Hawks hugged her. "No need to apologise, kiddo. I'm glad a got to drop by. I love fans!"
Her cheeks turned bright pink as he let go of her, looking into her hazel eyes.
They were about the same height. This came as a bit of a relief to Hawks. Most fans he met were actually taller than him and they would frequently make fun of how short he was.
They stood there silently for a minute. Hawks was about to say goodbye and fly off when he noticed something odd. She was wearing long sleeves and a bulky jacket, but it was rather warm in Japan.
"Isn't it a little hot for all those layers?" He asked gently.
Her face paled. He'd seen this kind of thing before. It broke his heart every time.
She needed saving.
"Hey, I was just about to go get lunch, any chance you want to join?" He flashed a bright smile at her.
The girl smiled back. "I'd love to!"
So, off they walked, heading to a small diner in town.
When they arrived, Hawks grabbed the door, holding it open for her. He followed her in and they waited for an employee to seat them.
Once in their seats, Hawks decided not to ask anything up front. It was always easier for someone to open up after a bit of talking first.
"So, I didn't catch your name," he started.
She rubbed her arm. "I'm Aika Sato."
"Nice to meet you."
Before long, a little old woman came and took their order. Hawks had sided on a plate of chicken while Aika had requested a simple burger with a side of fries.
"So Aika," Hawks began. "What do you like to do? Any particular classes you like at school?"
She shifted in her seat, looking down at the table. "Well, I like to draw. I don't really like school very much though."
"Why's that?"
Aika was about to answer when the waitress returned, placing their food in front of them.
"Thank you," Hawks nodded to the lady before turning his attention back to the girl across from him.
"Well," Aika said sheepishly. "There's a girl in at my school who likes to tease me."
Of course. He'd seen a lot of people fall apart over bullies.
"I'm sorry. Some people are jerks."
She wiped a hand over her eye.
Hawks placed a hand on her shoulder. "You okay?"
She nodded, but the tears in her eyes said otherwise.
He stood up, motioning for her to do the same.
They walked to the entrance without a word.
Hawks told the man at the front to hold their table and leave the food, he would come back for it in a moment and pay. The man nodded, and they walked out.
Once outside the girl started apologizing profusely.
"Don't be sorry, it's okay. I'm here," he said, pulling her into a tight hug. "You can tell me what's wrong."
Aika sobbed into his shoulder, gripping him tightly.
"I was gonna climb to a nearby roof and jump, then you flew by."
His heart sunk. Tears stained his cheeks.
"Please don't," he pleaded softly. "You have so much life left and so much to give."
She just sobbed louder.
"You're so strong for holding on," Hawks told her. "I'm proud of you."
"You shouldn't be," she mumbled.
He ran a hand through her hair. "I wanted to give up too a few years ago."
Aika was silent for a moment before she breathlessly asked, "What made you stay?"
"I had lost someone before, and I knew he'd want me to carry on," he whispered. "I stay now because I know what it's like to be broken, and I don't want anyone to give up."
They broke apart their hug, both wiping their tears.
"I've got scars too," he said.
They sat for a long time talking on the sidewalk.

Dabi stood up from the couch. Hawks had been gone for a long time. He was starting to feel bored.
Taking his phone out, he dialed Kurogori's number.
After a few rings, the misty man answered. "Hello?"
"Hey, mom," Dabi started. "I figured I'd report back."
An exasperated sigh could be heard on the other line. "What is with you guys and calling me mom?"
"You're a better mom than any of us ever had."
"Fine," Kuro said. "Anything important to report."
"Not particularly." Dabi rubbed his neck as he spoke. "The bird went out for a flight about an hour or so ago."
"Are you afraid he's outing you to some pros?"
Dabi hadn't thought of that. It was quite possible that the hero was doing just that.
"If heroes show up I'll kill every last one of them."
"Well, then keep your eyes peeled. Send me your location if you need a quick get away."
"Will do. Later, mom."
Another sigh could be heard before the call ended.
Now Dabi was alone with his thoughts again. How annoying.
He went to Hawks's room. He figured digging through the closet would be interesting, so that's exactly what he did.
There was one of his hero costumes, some formal wear, lots of shorts and t-shirts.
Dabi stopped in the underwear drawer, his eyes glued to one particular pair. It was bright red with "thicc" written across the ass.
Dabi fought laughter. When he turned them over he found "extra T H I C C C" written across the crotch. He lost it.
He hadn't laughed so hard ever before. His sides hurt and his lungs screamed for air. The laugh just got worse by the second until it was one of those silent laughs.
If his tear ducts weren't burnt he would most definitely have been crying. Instead, a small stream of blood oozed from around his eyes.

Hawks had eventually taken Aika back into the restaurant where they had a delicious meal and a wonderful conversation.
After their meal, Hawks flew her home. She actually didn't live too far from him. Just a few miles away.
Some more tears were shed as he helped the young girl talk to her parents, who luckily, were understanding. Aika would start therapy soon.
Hawks left with one last hug, telling her not to hesitate to say hi next time she saw him out.
Finally, he landed on his balcony, a smile on his lips.
He had gone out looking to help himself, but he saved someone else in the process. He hoped to see Aika again soon.
Sliding the door open, he stepped inside. It felt good to be home in the nice air conditioning.
A noise from his bedroom reminded him that he wasn't alone. He sighed.
All the weight of his day landed on his shoulders. His leg began aching.
Cautiously, he crept into his room.
The sound was coming from the closet.
Gripping a feather in his hand, he approached the door. He wasn't sure what he was expecting, but it wasn't what he saw.
There, on the floor, was Dabi, his face trailed with blood.
Hawks dropped to his knees beside the villain, letting the feather fall to the floor. "Are you okay? What happened?"
Dabi sat up slowly, still shaking with... Laughter? Without a word, he pointed over to the floor.
Hawks's eyes trailed over to where the villain was pointing.
On the floor was a pair of bright red underwear.
He felt his cheeks burn with embarrassment. He knew which pair it was. They had been sent to him by a fan and he just held onto them.
"What were you going through my underwear for?" He demanded.
Dabi just burst out laughing again, more blood trickling down his face.
Hawks quickly left the room, heading for his couch. He plopped down, hiding in his wings.
It wasn't that funny, yet Dabi was losing his shit over it.
After a few minutes the laughter died out and footsteps could be heard. The sink water started then stopped, followed by more footsteps.
A hand tapped lightly on the hero's wing.
"Anybody home?"
Hawks hugged his knees to his chest, wrapping his wings tighter around himself.
Dabi let out an irritated sigh before shoving the blond man's wings out of the way.
"I'm sorry for laughing, but it was just too damn funny," he said softly.
Hawks wouldn't look at him or respond. He was far too embarrassed to speak.
Dabi pushed Hawks's legs apart and leaned close between them. His lower stomach against the other's crotch.
Hawks flinched at the contact against his wound before looking up at Dabi, his face red.
"Do I have your attention now?" The villain smirked.
Hawks nodded, his heartbeat excelarating.
"Good," Dabi said, running his hand along the outside of the hero's thigh. "You can't get embarrassed that easily around me," the villain was saying, but Hawks wasn't paying his words any attention.
However, that wonderfully warm hand was all he could think about.
He zoned out, half closing his eyes. Unlike Madusa's touch, Dabi's felt rough but in a good way.

Dabi stopped mid-sentence, realizing that Hawks wasn't listening. He seemed very calm.
Dabi glanced down. He hadn't even realized he had begun rubbing be the other man's leg, and immediately let go, taking a step back.
Hawks turned his head, looking at the wall.
What was this strange feeling pulsing through Dabi?

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