seven // confessions in the bathroom

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Chat Noir's POV

I just kissed Marinette.

I just KISSED Marinette.

I- what?

I don't know why I did it. Maybe it was because we were so close to each other and I could see her bright blue eyes through the dark room. Maybe it's because I could smell her strawberry shampoo. Maybe it's because her smooth skin was touching mine. I don't know why... but I kissed her.

After a second she immediately shoots back and our lips part. Her eyes stare deep into mine as her delicate hands slowly rise and touch her lips where I just tasted her peach lipgloss.

"I- I thought you liked Ladybug..." she whispers only an inch away from my face.

I feel my cheeks heat bright red. "I thought I did too."

We stare at each other. I hear the cars from outside her window drive by. Her fairy lights dangle down from her ceiling giving limited light. Various candles around the room dance and flicker, leaving a cinnamon smell floating though out her bedroom.

She bites her lip and looks away, but I lightly tilt her chin back to face me.

"Is it okay that I kissed you?" I mutter.

She stares at me with fear, and I know the answer.

"I'm sorry," I mumble, bunching up her pink comforter in my fists. "It's that Adrien kid, huh?"

She doesn't answer.

"You do like him, right?"


"Marinette, please answer me," I quietly beg, staring at her eyes through the dim light. "Answer this and you'll never have see me again."

"I like you, like a lot!" She spits out shutting her eyes tight like she just admitted something she's been lying about forever.

My eyes light up.

"B-But with Adrien... I just don't know... "

I freeze.

She opens her mouth to continue, but she starts coughing. She pushes herself off my lap and grasps her throat. I realize she's choking.

I reach out to help her. "Mari..."

"No!" She squeaks out, choking and violently coughing.

A petal slips from her mouth. She gasps and slaps her hand on her mouth. Dark blood slips and oozes through the cracks of her fingers. Tears form in her eyes from the pain.

"Mari!" I shout.

She jumps off her bed and dashes to the bathroom. She flings the door open and the bright yellow light fills her dark bedroom. I cover my eyes as they adjust to the brightness. I can't wait any longer. I need to check on her.

I slide off the bed and land on the ground gracefully in a cat position. My shoes squeak against the slick wood as I dash to her bathroom. I slam against her door and press my ear tight on it. I her her muffled screaming from the pain. I pull away and violently shake the door, but it's locked. Fury rises in me. I'm trying to help her, why doesn't she see that?!

"Cataclysm!" I shout. The doorknob disintegrates and turns to ash in my hands.

I fling the door open and bolt to my princess. She's huddled over the toilet. The cold tile floor is foggy from her warm body pressed against it. Sweat drips down her forehead. I drop down to my knees and hold her dark hair back with one hand, and holding her steady with the other. She coughs into the toilet. Flower petals, leaves, broken thorns, and blood all fall into the toilet.

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