Captain Swan Pt. 2

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⚠ smut, language, puking ⚠

<one and a half weeks later>

-Third Person POV-

For the first week, Emma got used to being half cat- at least, somewhat used to it.

Until today.

She woke up a bit sweaty, and paled knowing already what was causing it. ‘okay,’ she thought. ‘Maybe I can ignore it, it'll go away soon enough, right?’

She couldn't be more wrong. Of course, Killian had kept the book, so she couldn't read about it.

Emma walks to the kitchen, being handed a plate by her concerned looking mother.
"Emma, are you alright? You look sick, sweetie.." Snow says. "I do..? How so?" Emma asks as she eats.

"You're flushed, kinda sweaty.. I dunno you just look-" Snow gets interrupted by Henry, who was blushing a little in realization.
"M-mom, maybe you should uh.. G-go see Killian at the docks?" he says. Emma nods a little, shooting a small apologetic look to him before heading out.

Snow might be confused, but Charming was starting to put 2 and 2 together. "...... Henry, are they- is Emma..-?"
Henry's blush grows. "I-i don't wanna think about it; I'm going to my other mom's for a bit, see you later grandpa." he says, bolting out of the door like sonic the hedgehog.

"Yeah, me either." David mumbles.

-Killian's POV-

I was sitting on the beach enjoying the view when I heard footsteps behind me. I turn around to find Emma, flushed in the face, with a nervous yet knowing expression.

"I could take a thousand guesses as to how you woke up this morning, Swan, but I'll just let you tell me, if you will." I say. Emma sighs and sits next to me, a bit tense.
I look over to her, only to find her gaze drilling into the sand. "Emma, love, it's alright. You can tell me." I tell her calmly, holding her hand gently under my own.

"I-i can't say it, Killian. Besides, I'm sure it'll be fine, if I just let it pass-" she says. "It won't." I tell her. She looks at me a bit confused. "What?"
"It don't pass, love. The longer you leave it alone, the worse it'll get. Said so in that book Henry gave me." I say.

"Well then, what do I do about it..." she all but whines. I couldn't help but smile. "Oh, you needn't do anything, love. I do." Emma blushes at that statement and looks up at me. "I-i-i wouldn't want to burden-"

"Emma Swan, it would be anything but a burden to help you when you need me." I tell her, holding her chin up gently with my hook. "I..." she breathes as I stand up and hold my hand out. She takes it and I help her up.
"Come on, let's go somewhere less public, alright love?" She looks nervous, which is understandable, but she nods. We make our way to my ship.

-Emma's POV-

I'm scared, but I trust him. I mean, I haven't done anything like this since Neal- or, Baelfire, I don't know.. But Killian is different..
When we get on the ship, he takes me to where I assume he sleeps while at sea - I couldn't help but fidget, I'm so nervous..

Killian sees this, and holds me gently. "Don't be scared, love. I won't hurt you." he murmurs softly. I smile a little and nod. "I trust you, Killian." I whisper before kissing him.
He kisses back, slowly leading me to the bed where I'm gently placed under him. When the kiss breaks, I see him smirking in both a loving and playful way.

"Captain's bed. Only I've ever laid in it before now." he says, making me chuckle breathlessly. He smiles before kissing my neck, and god, it felt like fire. I barely noticed when he started to undress me. I nodded each time he asked if I was okay, something different he does than Neal. A lot more loving and caring..

"You sure about this? You can always say no." he says gently. I nodded, allowing him to continue. I wanted this, and we're too far along to call it quits now.

He gently slides a finger inside me, and god, it's been a long while since I've felt that kind of pleasure.
"You alright?" he checks. "Y-yes, oh god, Killian~" I say breathlessly. I caught the smirk he tried to keep off his face as he started moving his finger, and I couldn't help but moan quietly.

Soon enough, he added a second, and my arms were latched onto him, trying not to dig my nails into his back.
When he pulled his fingers out, he looked at me to assure he can continue. I nodded, and he lined up and slowly pushed into me. I gasped a little in pleasure, having not felt this for a while.

-Killian's POV-

I waited for Emma to tell me when to move, letting her adjust to me. Eventually, she nods, panting quite a bit in a needing way.
With her permission, I started moving. First slowly, gradually picking up the pace as things continued.

"K-killian, oh god, Killian~" she moans. God, her moans have got to be the hottest thing on this planet; I found myself moan lowly at the sound.
A short while later, her moans having gotten slightly higher in pitch, she says. "K-killian, I-i'm close~!" I nod. "Go ahead love~" I whisper in her ear.

Shortly after, she reached her climax, myself not far behind. As we were both panting, I pulled out and used a spare rag to clean some of the mess up before laying next to Emma.
She snuggles up to me, clearly tired. "Thank you, Killian." she murmurs. I smile and pet her. "Anything for you, love. Now get some rest." I tell her, and she dozed off seconds later.

<three weeks later>

-Emma's POV-

I had been helping my dad at the sheriff station while we waited on Gold to find a cure to this neko thing. But when my dad brought lunch, my stomach churned and I rushed to the bathroom to throw up.
"Emma! Are you alright?!" I hear him say behind me; I left the door open. I lay my head on the toilet seat and realize.

"Oh, Dad, I-I've made a mistake-" I mumble, clutching my stomach as it still felt uneasy. He looks at me for an answer, and I got visibly nervous.

"I-it never crossed my mind, I'm so sorry Dad-!" I say, and he holds my shoulders gently yet sternly. "Emma. What is going on, what's wrong?"

I close my eyes shamefully. "Oh my god, dad, I... I think I'm pregnant..." I tell him, daring to look in his eyes.
It looked like he couldn't decide between joy or rage. He let out a breath that almost sounded like a nervous chuckle.

"What?" he asks. I sigh shortly. "Killian and I never... We never used protection when we.." I trail off. My dad took a deep breath and closed his eyes for a moment.

"Okay. Go home and tell your mother, she has spare tests you could use." I nodded and headed home.

"Oh, Emma! You're home early, what's wrong?" my mom says when I walk in. "M-mom.. Uh.. Do you, by chance, have any.. P-pregnancy tests?" I ask. Her face is one of shock before slowly turning into a smile.
"Oh, oh my god, Emma! They're in the bathroom under the sink." she tells me after hugging me.

"Don't get too excited, I don't know yet.." I say, heading to the bathroom and taking the test.
As I waited, I had my phone at the ready, just in case I need to tell Killian. I could feel my tail sway with my nerves..

I look at the test after 5 minutes. Positive. I felt the color drain from my face. Of course I'm happy but god, is this going to suck...
I let out a long sigh before heading out of the bathroom. "So?" I hear my mom say. I look up at her.


Part 3 coming shortly

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