Chapter 2: Meeting Our Unlikely heroes

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High above the earth Eleven Sennin were discussing the current affairs of the world. "It's Dakki. She's returned to the human world. This time stronger than ever." "What'll we do? Hanzo Hattori is currently in China forming peaceful relations with them." "She's a Yokai-Sennin. Why don't we just kill her ourselves." "NO! The Tokugawa Shogunate has long been overdue. The time has come for Sennin and Yokai-Sennin to leave the earth once and for all. That includes Tokugawa Ieyasu who is no longer human himself. We must plant a new ruler of Japan. One that is Just and Fair. One that will see Japan prosper til' it reaches the future we have foreseen in the Year 1928 When Osamu Tezuka is born. Manga must be invented." "Then what shall we do?" "Bring him." "You don't mean?" "Yes." The Sennin scurried. Ten minutes later The Sennin came back accompanied by a man. "Young Doushi Your training is almost complete. You have one final task. You will to go the human world, Slay Dakki, Find a suitable human and lead him against Tokugawa Ieyasu so that he may wrest rule away from the Tokugawa Bakufu once and for all ridding the World of evil Yokai-Sennin and Sennin alike." "Hehe I like the sound of that, finding someone to finish what I started long ago since that fool Ieyasu did a terrible job of it. To think the great Ieyasu Tokugawa let some Vixen bewitch him. Don't worry. I'll cleanse his mind and the world of Dakki, and find a New ruler of Japan. I swear on my name, ODA NOBUNAGA!" "Good. You already let us down once as a human. Now we give u a second chance as an immortal like us. Do not fail again or We'll obliterate You from existence period." "Jeesh, give a guy a break. Not my fault one of my underlings turned on me." "We have a Muramasa for you. His latest creation." A man with long green flowing hair and matching Green eyes stepped forward. He had Sword tattoos all over his body. "I Muramasa have prepared a most fitting Muramasa Blade for you. I Know in life you had an affinity for guns. This Super Muramasa has the ability to absorb any Projectile attacks and fire them back as Light energy. It also turns into a lance. I know how much you loved lances in life. It is called "Hikari-Hansha". Take great care of it." He handed Nobunaga a Tanegashima gun "It needs no bullets." "Now that's what I call a gun. I can beat the Eight God Muramasa with this." "Hahah let's not get ahead of ourselves now." "We also have A Reiju for you." A man walked in leading behind him a Bright Red floating horse. It had green clouds at it's feet, a Dark Green mane, and two long Eyebrows that extended to the floor. Just to look cool. "I am Fengxian, The Red Rabbit Steed." "You mean to tell you brought a horse back from ancient china, BUT COULDN'T BRING BACK RYOFU WITH IT!!!" "Heavens no. We'd never bring a monster like that back. That'd be like bringing back Totaku. Ryofu might turn on the whole Sennin world like he did Totaku." "Hahah So even Immortal Sennin are afraid of something. Nice to meet you Fengxian you shall prove worthy Steed for the great Oda Nobunaga." "If you prove incompetent I will eat you." "HAHAHAH I like you already." Nobunaga mounted Fengxian. "Watch me Great Sennin. I'll succeed this time. YAH!!!" Nobunaga kicked his heels into Fengxian's side. "If you ever do that again I will eat you whole." Nobunaga and Fengxian flew off into the sky. "He really is an idiot." "I know."

Hoshin Engi: Tokugawa Bakugu Aki(Fall of the Tokugawa Shogunate)Where stories live. Discover now