Chapter 3: An Example Is Made

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The Imperial palace was holding a lavish party, of course the idea was Dakki's alone. At this time all the various Daimyo's under the Tokugawa Shogunate were present. Among them were Prince Tokugawa Hidetada, Amano Yasukage, Koriki Kiyonaga, Abe Masakatsu, Ii Naomasa, Li Naotsugu, Li Naotaka, Naito Nobunari, Honda Takatsu, Okudaira Sadamasu, Sakai Tadatsugu, Matsudaira Tadaki, Sakakibara Yasumasa, Torii Mototada. These fourteen men were Once the elite Soldiers that Brought about the Conquering of Japan by Tokugawa. They also drank from the Legendary spring, thus becoming His immortal Army. Also present were the four Regional Lords below Ieyasu who helped govern the 66 provinces of japan as a whole. They were Lord Hojo Ujimasa of the East, Ishikawa Kazumasa of the West, Miyoshi Nagayoshi of the south, and Ando Chikasue of the north. They were the guests of honor tonight and as such as the pleasure of Dining with Ieyasu himself and Dakki. A Hogaku band played music, Women dance, Food was plentiful Everyone was having a good time. Everyone but the Four Lords. Hojo Ujimsa stood and spoke. "My lord. While we relax ourselves and fill our bellies here at the palace our people are starving and dying everyday. How can you sit by and do nothing while our country suffers. Dakki Whispered in Ieyasu's ear. "YOU DARE TO QUESTION THE HOSPITALITY I HAVE PUT FORTH BEFORE YOU. YOU DARE TO SPEAK AGAINST YOUR EMPEROR!!!" "HE IS RIGHT MY LORD!!!" Miyoshi Nagayoshi stood up and spoke next. "While you sit here and let this She-devil rule the world behind, She brings disaster and destruction" "Oh Darling I can't bear to hear them say such mean things about me." Dakki cried. Tokugawa Ieyasu stood up. "You have hurt Dakki's feelings. For this you shall be sentenced to death by pulling of five horses." "Oh no honey I have a better idea." Dakki, Ieyasu and the four lords were escorted out of the dining hall to a door. When she opened the four lords and Ieyasu were instantly sickened. There were corpses leftover on various torture Device. Half a body was laying on a table sliced in half. Another body had no head, held up under to bloodied blocks that clearly crushed the poor souls head. In the corner were two halves of a body on the side of a triangle device that the torture victim sits on until their weight eventually pulls them down sliced in half. In the middle Was a giant vat of some boiling substance. "Bring it." Two strong men brought in some sort of metal contraption shaped like a box. "You two get in, right now." "What?" The men poked spears at Lord Hojo and Lord Miyoshi. "THIS IS AN OUTRAGE!!! I DEMAN-" Lord Hojo's leg was sliced off by one of the men. "AHHH!!!" He fell and crawled in, Lord Sorin followed himself inside. The box was sealed. "Now then, you may proceed." The two strong men lifted the box, climbed ladders and dropped it into the vat of unknown boiling substance. Minutes later the screams of Lord Hojo and Lord Sorin could be heard. "HEELP, PLEASE LET US OUT." Dakki ignored them as they all walked out. "Now then, Lords Kazumasa and Ando, do you agree with the illogical thinking of Lords Hojo and Lord Miyoshi? "O-of course N-not. I fully agree with you." Lord Ando whimpered kissing Dakki's feet. "And you lord Kazumasa." "There's no point in arguing with a Vixen Such as yourself." "AHAHAH Lil ol' me a Vixen? Surely you Jest." The party went on as planned. Everyone enjoyed themselves. When it was over Lord Kazumasa was imprisoned for his spiteful words towards Dakki and Ando was killed. Days later Ishikawa Yasunaga came to the Imperial Palace And requested an audience with Tokugawa which he was granted. He was brought before Dakki and Lord Ieyasu. He knelt down and spoke with his head down. "My lord. I am Ishikawa Yasunaga, son of Lord Kazumasa of the west. I have come to request that you let my father go." "Ohhh my well isn't he a handsome. Can we keep him honey huh? Huh? Can weeee?" Ieyasu glared jealousy. "Dakki. Please refrain from speaking that way in front of me." "You don't have to be shy Yasunaga, you can look at us." "No. That is all right, I'll keep my head bowed in respect. " "Do you mean to say you wouldn't be blessed to witness the Shining Radiance and Magnificence of your lord?" Yasunaga looked up and at that second, he made eye contact with Dakki and although her Temptation had no effect on him he was still frozen in the sight of her immense beauty. "Why do you stare at Dakki like that? With such lust?" "N-No my lord it's not like that. I just...never seen such beauty before." "YOU DARE FLIRT WITH DAKKI!!!" Ieyasu stood up filled with rage. "No, I-" "Now now, Darling it was just a compliment. No need to get so flustered." "Ieyasu calmed a bit and sat back down. "I hear you play an amazing Koto. Can you show us?" "S-sure thing." Yasunaga replied. A soldier brought a Koto to Yasunaga and he began to play. It was soothing to all who heard it, even enough to clear Ieyasu's mind of Dakki's temptation. Lord Kazumasa heard his son's playing and also began to play a koto that was given to him when he was imprisoned. The two Koto's harmonized creating a wonderful song. "Ahhh yesss I love iittt. Won't you be a dear and teach me how to play?" Dakki scurried over to Yasunaga and sat opposite him behind the Koto. "Well y-you place your hands like this." He began to teach her how to play, despite Ieyasu's annoyance. After five minutes Dakki flew backwards. "UUGHHH YASUNAGA HOW DARE YOU TOUCH ME THAT WAY!!!" "What no I didn't-" "HOW DARE YOU ATTEMPT TO MOLEST DAKKI. GUARDS SEIZE HIM AT ONCE!!!" "NO THIS IS A TRICK, STOP PLEASEE. FATHERRRRR!!!" "YASUNAGAAAA!!!" Kazumasa yelled from his cell. Yasunaga was taken away. "Are you alright Dakki?" "I-I'm fine. I never would've never thought Yasnuaga was like that. Later that night Kazumasa was brought a meal especially prepared for him by Dakki herself. "Hope you enjoy. I hear it's Dakki's favorite." The guards laughed. As he lifted the lid off the tray, two hamburgers were there and he instantly knew what had happened. Dakki had Yasunaga chopped up and made into hamburgers. He ate them as tears fell from his eyes. Seven years later Lord Kazumasa would finally be set free to return to the west.

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