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(L) so your mom and dad will be in here soon to check out our masterpiece

(E) Do you need some help? I could do her  hair

(L) Really?

(E) Please it's not every day i get to help a girl on her wedding day

(L) Weddings! They bring everyone together.

(R) Hey, so did you find your daughter?

(C) she is in with emily and leah getting ready

(R) alrighty let's head up and see her, bella?

(B)  in here mom

(R) Oh, my gosh! You’re so beautiful. Oh, honey. *teary eyes*  Crap! My mascara.

(E) * hands her a handkerchief*

(R) Thanks. Charlie, get in here!

(C)  You sure? I don’t wanna… *walks in room*  I know, I look awful.

(B) *laughing* no

(R) We thought you needed something blue.

(C) *opens the gift box containing a jeweled hair comb* And something old, besides your mother.

(R) Nice! *laughing*

(C) It was grandma Swan’s.

(B) *picks up the comb* leah could you place it in

(L) yes

(R) But we added the sapphires.

(B) It’s beautiful you guys. Wow! Thank you so much.

(R) It’s your first family heirloom. Pass it on to your daughter, and her daughter.

(B) I love it.

(L) Okay, time for the dress!

(Je) So um…do you think Bella’s going to be showing?

(A) Jess, she’s not pregnant!

(Je) Okay. Who else gets married at eighteen?

(B) *very nervous as they are about to walk down the isle*

(C) You ready?

(B) Just don’t let me fall down.

(C) never

(M)  Ladies and gentlemen, we are gathered here on this glorious day to witness the union of Jacob black and Bella Swan.

(B) *turns to jacob*

(M) Please, repeat after me. I, Jacob black

(J) I Jacob black

(M) Take you, Bella Swan

(J) Take you, Bella Swan.

(M) to have and to hold

(J) to have and to hold

(B) for better, for worse

(J) for ritcher, for poorer

(B) in sickness and in health

(J) to love

(B) to cherish as long as we both shall live

(J) I do

(B) I do

(J) I love you

(B) I love you too

(J) *kisses bella*

*everyone stands clapping and cheering*

(M) may we please have the bride and groom to the dance floor*

(J) *walks with bella*

(B) *dances with jake*

(J) your dancing skills improved

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(J) your dancing skills improved

(B) yeah they have

(J) I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you bella

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(J) I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you bella

(B) me to jake

(J) *twirls bella*

(B) i will love you forever

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(B) i will love you forever

(J) I'll always love you to bella

Bellas Life With Jacob Where stories live. Discover now