Kids Part 2

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   "Tala please be reasonable. I don't trust that kid." Adrian told his 16 year old daughter.

   "Who said I was asking for your permission? I'm going out with Dylan and you can't stop me!" Tala yelled at her father.

   "I'm not tolerating that tone young lady. You will not disrespect me in my own home!"

   "Does it look like I care whether or not this is your home? Because I don't!"

   "What ever happened to my little girl? You were never like this before!" Adrian shouted back.

   "My mom died that's what! I haven't had a mom for 10 years! It is hard to deal with okay? I see girls everywhere doing stuff with their mothers and I realize I don't have one!" Tala fell to the floor crying and Adrian's shoulders dropped. He walked over to his daughter and hugged her tightly.

   "I'm sorry sweetheart. I know it's hard to lose your mom, but you have to be strong. Your mom wouldn't want you to succumb to the darkness. She would want you to be strong for her and Georgia." Georgia was on a sleepover with her friend and since she was gone, Tala had been worried her sister would disappear too.

   "You don't understand dad. Mom was here and then she was gone. She didn't come back."

   "You're wrong Tala. I know exactly how you feel because that happened to my mom. Where do you think Georgia got her name? My mom was a superhero and one night she failed to come home. I was the same age as you were. I didn't have a dad so I ended up becoming an adopted son." Tala looked at him with wide eyes.

"I didn't realize. How did I get my name?" She asked.

"Your grandmother. Your mom's mom was killed the same night as my mom. Your grandfather was also killed that night and your aunt was close to dying." Tala gasped.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't think...I didn't realize..." Tala couldn't finish her sentence.

"Georgia will be home tomorrow and I think it would do you both good to go to Aunt Maggie. Then the cemetery. Tala, your mother loved you and I love you. Even if she isn't here, she's always in your heart. Tomorrow you will understand everything." Adrian began to stand when Tala spoke again.

"What was mom like?" Adrian smiled and brought her to sit on the couch.

"She was a lot like you. She was a fierce woman, and in some cases, quite reckless. She believed in equality across the world and wanted to help those she loved. Your mom was extraordinary. She could fight like no one else and was always willing to do the right thing. Sometimes she was afraid to let out her emotions, but she soon learned that it was better to let them go than keep them inside."

Tala looked at her dad's face as he described the woman he loved. His face showed pride, love, admiration, and joy. His face lit up when he talked about her.

"You really did love mom, didn't you?" She asked.

"More than life itself." Tala nodded and started outside.

"I miss you mom." She whispered


The next day, Georgia came back home and Tala hugged her tightly. Tala had remembered her dad saying that her mom had lost her sister at a young age and only reunited with her ten years later. All those years, her mom thought her sister was dead.

Tala and Georgia did as their dad requested and went to see their Aunt Maggie. When they arrived, Maggie was thrilled to see them and invited them inside. Max was there as well.

"Hello girls. What brings you here?" Max asked. Adrian has accompanied them as well.

"Tala and Georgia are struggling with the loss of Nova. Seeing you two might help them." Max and Maggie nodded and led the girls in the living room. Maggie noticed Adrian still standing there and went to his side.

"How are they coping?" She asked.

"Georgia likes to pretend nothing's wrong and will keep herself locked in her room on the bad days. Tala lashes out. She keeps her emotions in until she can't and lets them out like spirting fire. She spits fire too." Tala and Georgia were born as prodigies. Tala had fire and Georgia had ice. "Tala and I got into an argument the other day. She has started to become a real teen. She rebels and doesn't do as she's told."

"She really is like her mother." Maggie commented.

"More than you know. I what you to help them cope in a better way. Being the only adult is hard. Especially with her death being practically on my hands."

"Adrian! You know very well it isn't your fault. Nova was protecting everyone and was hit in the process. Even you couldn't stop what that villain did. It would have gotten you and Nova killed."

"I know. Sometimes I feel as if I failed her."

"You didn't." Adrian nodded at Maggie's words.

"Can you also bring the girls to the cemetery? Maybe talking to their mom, or her grave, would do them good." Maggie understood what he meant.

"Of course. Now go. I need to talk to these girls." Adrian left and Maggie went back into the room. The girls were sitting on the sofa as Max gave them a beverage. "Your father told me how things were going."

"He used détail, I'm sure." Max joked.

"Max! Anyway, it seems you're having trouble with your mom's death." The girls nodded. "Your mom was a great woman. She died heroically with your dad by her side crying. She wouldn't want this you know. She would have wanted you to live out your lives and be happy. Not spit fire and lock yourselves away from the world."

"How can we be happy? Other girls have their moms and we don't!" Tala yelled, fire coming from her hand. Max splashed water on it in fear.

"Max! Such a baby..." Maggie mumbled. Georgia smiled at this. "That's the smile your mom would want. You two look so much like her. Tala you are practically her. And Georgia. You have her eyes, her smile, her hair, everything. But you are a lot like your dad. In the softer sense. You two need to understand that you can do great things. You can be heroes and be happy even without your mom. Your dad is tired. He is raising two teenage girls on his own and lost the love of his life."

"It's just hard seeing other girls doing stuff with their moms." Tala said.

"You may not have your mom, but you do have your dad. I mean, he can draw practically anything you want. And he is a one of a kind. Like Max."


"Oh hush dear. The point is, you have a lot of stuff. But the greatest thing you have is each other. You girls can practically see right through each other's facade. Now you are going to go the cemetery and talk to your mom. She will hear you, wherever she may be."


And the girls did just that. Their visit to Maggie helped them realize that they weren't alone in this world. They had each other and nothing could be better. Now they lived a life a greatness and cherished every moment of their lives. Yes, the girls missed their mom terribly, but they also knew that their mom would have wanted them to be happy. And every day, Nova smiles from where she stands, watching over her little princesses.

Thank you BedazzledLunartic27. I greatly appreciate the prompt. I hope it turned out the way you wanted. I wanted to set this when they were older so they could really understand what it's like without a mother. I don't know what that's like, but I have sympathy for those who do. I love you all and thanks for the 2k reads!!!! 😊😊

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