Oneshot #2

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This one is pretty obvious. And it sucks. It absolutely sucks, even worse than the last one. Let's see how this goes — especially since I had a headache the first half of the oneshot, and didn't proof-read any of it. PLEASE, KEEP READING (if you're from the future) AND YOU WILL FIND BETTER ONES! Anyway, here goes . . .

Also, for this oneshot, it's absolutely obvious what the ship is, because Dex is underrated, and because I know a lot of you ship Tiana, and I like to spite with you ;)

Dex's gaze flickered to Biana. Her soft dark hair shone as the chandelier above glimmered like a thousand orange stars. A wide, perfectly perfect smile graced her pink lips as she laughed, smacking Tam's arm.

Perfectly perfect. That was an understatement. He could understand how even Tam of all people could fall so in love with her. Her teal eyes were the same shade as her brother, but, unlike Wonderboy, they radiated brilliant joy, both on the inside, and the outside. When her fingers, soft and slender, clasped Dex's hand . . . he felt like he could fly. He could soar higher than Silveny, even, because Biana was by his side. She always would be.

At least, his heart could fly.

But he was stuck on the ground, planted firmly on his feet, watching as Tam smiled at the dark-haired girl. Smiled.

Biana could do the impossible.

So even the notion of his being with her was impossible.

"Hey, you alright, buddy?" said a voice behind him. Dex turned to find Keefe leaning against the pillar, flipping a pillow in his arms. His hair was effortly tousled, and his gaze was intent upon Dex's, waiting patiently for a reply.

No wonder Biana fell so in love with him, Dex thought. Good looks, good personality, good guy . . .

"Yeah," he replied, though his gaze flitted back to the Tiana happening in front of his very eyes as the two quickly started a heated pillow fight.

Keefe stared at Dex. "You sure?"

"I'm good," he insisted. Keefe shrugged, and started to turn away, but Dex said, "Wait, Keefe?"

"Hmm?" said the blond-haired boy, glancing back.

Dex sighed, knowing he'd probably be teased for the rest of his life, but he had to know. "How . . . how do you handle the — the Fitzphie? You know? I mean —"

"It's hard," he murmured softly. His ice-blue gaze followed Dex's, finally focusing on Sophie. "And it hurts. But if she's happy, then so am I. She's clearly happier with Fitz."

There wasn't a single ounce in his words that made fun of Dex.

That's how much he cares, Dex realized, but he only frowned and said, "Oh."

"Yeah. I know, it doesn't really help, but if it's any consolation," Keefe said, lowering his voice to a teasing whisper, "I'm Team Diana."

"Because I'm your friend or because you don't like Bangs Boy?"

Keefe smirked. "Why can't it be both?"

"Wait — who said I like Biana?"

"Seriously, who here isn't oblivious?" Ro intervened. Dex could feel his face heat up. He turned to look at Keefe's bodyguard.

"How much of that did you hear?"

"All of it," Ro grinned. "Duh, I'm this boy's bodyguard, and I'm right here. Don't be as afraid as Hunkyhair. Go ask her out. Now," she commanded.

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