The day it all went wrong

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hey sorry I haven't been updating my lives been crazy and school is killing me but I'm trying and just for the hell of it ill let you start this part.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------It had been 2 weeks since the students had been brought here there was still no luck in sending them back. Everyday Hecate and Pippa would look through hundreds of books but nothing was coming up they both felt deep sorrow for them knowing that those five children might never see the world the same. 

Ada had told them there would always be a way, knowing full well that she had the same doubts as them. Alex had been growing closer to Felicity and Tyler the same with Celestia they all seemed fine.

While everyone was doing there best to stay calm in Melanie's room she was trying to calm Luna. ''were going to be trapped here forever were never going to have a proper future our lives will be ruined'' Melanie sat by Luna on her bed ''don't think like that things will eventually go back to normal you just need to wait''

Luna looked at her with tears threatening to spill ''you don't know that do you how long do we wait for Melanie how long''  Melanie went to hug her but Luna moved further away from her ''no'' Melanie looked shocked ''I'm just trying to help you, you need comfort when you're like this'' 

''who says I want comfort'' Melanie looked at her frustrated ''it's not what you want but its what you need'' Luna looked at her shocked ''Who says you get to decide what I need!'' Melanie ''Luna calm down you can't push me away over this'' Luna looked up trying to think of something to say but instead, she started crying.

Melanie went over to her and put luna in her lap ''it's okay just please don't push me away luna you mean too much to me'' Luna looked at her and smiled ''your the best friend I could ever ask for'' They both smiles and start to giggle. Melanie spoke up ''now please stop freaking out you're giving me split ends trying to help you'' Luna laughed and hit her lightly ''good''

-In the potions lab- 

Pippa walked in with a stack of books  ''I just got these sent in from pentangles apparently my deputy thinks there's something interesting in them'' Hecate sighed and put down the book she was reading ''are you sure or is this going to send us down another rabbit hole every time we find something that will help us but it just leaves us with more questions''

Pippa sighed and sat on the desk ''I know but were doing our best to help'' Hecate spoke up ''I know I just fell like we could do more'' Pippa sighed and looked at her ''you think your good at trying to hide your emotions to everyone'' Hecate looked up confused ''I can read you like a book and you're so soft inside Hecate I know you've been taught that emotion is a weakness but you're just so caring and soft even if people don't see your one of the most caring people I know'' 

Hecate looked down trying to hide her blush and whispered ''thank you'' Pippa smiles and looked down ''this work is a lot you're overworking it maybe you would like to go on a picnic with me like we use to do when we were young''

Hecate smiled and nodded ''I still remember the last time we were together'' Pippa looked up and smiled ''I do to I can still imagine me and you sneaking out under the stars'' Hecate continued her sentence ''you nibbling away on your surgery sweets while I tell you each star in the night sky's name'' they both went silent for a minute remembering old times.

Until Hecate finally speaks ''I should get started with reading these'' Pippa looked at her and smiled ''ill take half so we get through these quicker'' Pippa got up and took half the books ''how about Tuesday for the picnic'' ''yes that works for me'' They both smiles and walk-off. 

-In the forest surrounding Cakels 

''look I told you we were close'' a short-haired girl looked up ''I see that but this feels different I checked the time residue and it's everywhere I don't think we're in the right time anymore'' a wicked laughed boomed through the tress ''even better we can cause the downfall of Cakels without any suspicion''


I had to leave it on a cliff hanger I know this story is shorter than normal but I think we got some setting up for the future here. anyway, I'm going to start writing the next part now to try and get it out sooner.

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