Chapter 32- Hospital

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Chris POV

I wake up, surrounded by a beeping noise and a white room. I try to get up, but I feel pain in my ribs, legs, arms and head.

"Chris! Chris! Your awake!" I hear tyler call I blink a couple times, trying to figure out where I am. But mostly where is Synthia.

"Where am I?" I ask

"In the hospital" tyler replies

"Where's Synthia?" I ask

"Well hello Chris! Your awake! I'm just going to give you some tests" I hear a doctor say he had green eyes and dark brown hair.

"What happened to Synthia Grace oakley?" I ask

"I'm sorry, but we are not permitted to give information nation on other patients" he says

" Now can you tell me where it hurts?" He adds and I point to my ribs, legs and my arm.

" Okay follow the light" he says pointing the light left and right I follow it. And he turns it off.

"Now tell me your full name, birthday and the date." He says getting ready to write.

"My name is Chris landlords, my birthday is August 21 1993 and it is August 19 2014." I reply

He writes notes down, and goes to tyler.

"Few broken bones, bruises on the rib cage nothing too bad" he quietly says to tyler and leaves the room.

"Can I go see her?" I ask

" No" tyler responds

"Why" I ask

"Shes in a coma" tyler says

"Tell me the whole story now" I demand

"The semi hit her side and gave her a concussion. Knocked her out which lead to a coma" tyler says rubbing his face

"Please" I beg and he gets crutches. I secure my hands in the crutches and walk over down 2 rooms. I see a bruised and pale Synthia. I look at tyler and he goes out of the room closing the door behind him.

I sit on the edge of her bed and held her cold hand. I didn't know what to say.

"Hey Synthia, I don't know if you can hear me but I'm sorry that I didn't listen to you. If I did we wouldn't be here. But we already made the choice. I just wanna say I love you so much and your the whole world to me. The first time I met you, I wanted to make you mine. If you leave me, I know that it would be a better place, but if you come back then my world would be better. I love you. And it's Chris. And did you break up with peas yet? Yeah, I didn't think so. Well bye." I say and I grab my crutches to head out I see Beth,Ella,serenity and dawn next to Tyler.

"Hi" they quietly say

"Hi" I reply back

I go back to my room and see Alaina with a bag of cookies.

"Hey Chris, I got you cookies. From subway" she says

" Thank you, what kind" I test

"Gingerbread, double chocolate, chocolate chip and another ginger bread" she says

"Thanks" I say taking the cookies and sitting on my hospital bed. My ribs are killing me.

"Okay, so I had this idea where you can make a solo song of Synthia. But I need to know the past and things"she says

"Well, we just got in a relationship today and the first time I saw her, I wanted to make her mine. I tried to protect her but I couldn't. And yeah that's all I can remember right now, my head is pounding" I say as my headaches getting stronger.

"Okay, um I'll call some songwriters when you feel better okay?" She getting up.

"No it's okay you send them in right now." I say

She nods her head and she makes a call. After about 5 minutes, Ronald and Elizabeth came. (The songwriters)

"Hey chris" says Elizabeth

*time skip*

"Are you sure?" Questions Elizabeth after our song

"Yes" I awnser I was sure of this song.

♪I've been sleeping with the lights on
Cause the darkness is surrounding you
This is my world, this is my choice
And you're the drug that gets me through

I've been waiting for an answer
Because I built this bed for two
I'm just waiting on your answer
I built this bed for me and you

Could you see that I am yours?
So will you be my life support?
You're my life support
You're my life support

Sick of waking up in darkness
When the sky is always painted blue
There's a method to my madness
It's clear that you don't have a clue

I've been waiting for an answer
Because I built this bed for two
I'm just waiting on your answer
I built this bed for me and you

Could you see that I am yours?
So will you be my life support?
You're my life support
You're my life support
You're my life support
You're my life support

Can't you see that I am yours?
So will you be my life support?
I've been sleeping with the lights on
Cause the darkness is surrounding you♪

"Okay" she sighs and leaves the paper.

"We'll pick you up later to record" she says and leaves

Tyler gets a bag and pulls out a cot. It was pretty late so went asleep.

*end of chapter*

That's it! Okay so the song in life support by sam smith it is on the top or side and yeah. That's it bye

~kateline & Mya

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