His Return

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Garroth's POV

Today was the day we go back home. I had called Laurance to tell him we were going back this week. I also tried calling Dante but he wouldn't pick up, his voice mail was just his (very manic) laughter, muttering something about Travis leaving him or something. During the panic of packing everything, I forgot to tell him what day we were coming back. I checked on my friends before boarding the plane.

"Is everyone ready?" I asked.
"As I'll ever be." Zane replied.
"Melissa, are you coming with us?" Lucinda asked.
"No, sorry Lucinda, I'm taking the boat with Aaron. Someone needs to keep him company after all." Melissa said.
"Alright, guys we really need to get going. The plane is about to take off." Kim said.

Lovers' Lane

Laurance's POV

I sat by at my window. It was getting pretty lonely here, no one wanted to hang out. Dante was going slowly insane, so I had to check up on him every few days. Cadenza had gotten promoted at her job, so she's been more busy. My parents and Caleb were at another summer resort, so that leaves me alone.

I sat on my bed contemplating about my friends, I saw the news about Starlight Wonderland and how it got locked down. I called everyone to make sure they were okay. I called Garroth first, he comes first since he is my best friend. His soothing voice reassured me he was going to be fine. But I can't help think about what happened there. The last time I called him, he didn't pick up, and when he did he sounded really distressed. When Starlight shut down, I tried calling him again. He didn't pick up. I didn't get much sleep that night. The thought of Garroth kept me in bed, and eventually I fell asleep.

I heard the door banging aggressively. I got out of bed and went to see who it was. I opened the door, and I couldn't believe who it was. Garroth. He stood there. I reached out to hug him but he moved back. I kept trying to reach him, only for him to move backwards as if there was something stopping us from meeting. He disappeared. I fell to my knees and sobbed. The floor starting disappearing too. I could hear a faint ringing sound.

I shot up, realizing the sound was my alarm. I sighed and went to my keyboard. Since I had nothing to do, I distracted myself by getting new hobbies. I learned how to play the piano. I'd say I am pretty decent at it. I also took up singing and dancing.

Garroth's POV

My friends and I exited the plane. My phone died, so I couldn't call anyone to tell them I was back. Nana had an emergency and a few of her stitches became undone. Everyone went to go get her to the hospital. I wanted to come along too but the taxi couldn't fit all of us, Zane told me to go back home to charge my phone and he'll just call me until then. Kim, Lucinda and I watched everyone else leave.

"I hope she's alright." said Kim.
"She's been through worse, I'm sure she'll be alright." replied Emmalyn.
"Let's not let that ruin our day, we're back home and everyone's probably dying to see us!" I said.
"Doubt it. No one on the group chat saw our message. There's no signal here." Lucinda said.
"You would think an airport of all places would have signal, or at least free WiFi." I thought out loud.
"As much as I would love to see everyone again. Can we take a rain check? I am completely exhausted and the trip messed up my sleep schedule." Lucinda complained.
"Alright, well I should really get home to see Laurance and charge my phone." I replied.

Kim, Lucinda and I rode on a taxi and returned to Lovers' Lane. Kim crashed at Lucinda's since her house is somewhat far. I slipped my key on the door, I opened it to see the living room. "Anyone home?" I called. No reply. "Laurance must be out." I plugged in my phone and texted Zane immediately.

Garroth: Zane! You there?

Zane: Yeah

Garroth: How's Kawaii~Chan?

Zane: Nana is doing worse than I thought. The wound reopened almost completely. The doctor back at Starlight did a really lousy job.

Garroth: Want me to go there?

Zane: She doesn't mind.

Garroth: I'll be there soon.

I went in my room and grabbed a powerbank charger. I drove away on my car. I left Laurance a note in case he comes back.

Laurance's POV

I went outside to get some fresh air, since I practically quarantined myself in my room all summer. I went to the mall and just chilled there. I bought some clothes, I went to the café and sat by the window. I heard someone approached me and tap my shoulder. It was Gene, Sasha, and Zenix. "Oh hey guys, what's up?" I hung out with Gene and his friends more since everyone else left. "Not much. I haven't seen you in a while so i thought I'd come see you." Gene said.
"We knew you came here whenever you need fresh air." Sasha added. "You know me so well." I chuckled. We chatted for a while and then went home.

I saw a note on the counter next to a phone charging. It was Garroth's phone. He came back. I stood there dumbfounded for a few minutes and I snapped back to reality. I read the note.

"Hey Laurance, there was a minor emergency with Kawaii~Chan at the hospital and I wanted to see her. I'll be  back later. Stay awesome!

- Garroth"

I sighed and went to my room. "The one day I go outside, he comes back after months. I wonder why he didn't call me." I stood by the piano and stared playing it. Playing the piano always helped me gain composure.

Word Count: 1008

I hope you guys liked it!

- Chillcakes 💙

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