The witch

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After Ozpin and his huntsman pawns left the soul of cider began to plan he would need to be ready for then next time, they weren't going to ask nicely after telling ozma his point less war and all the lost of life because of his own failure he was going to need some allies and maybe an army. He knew he can call the abyss watchers and the count less undead legion but he need allies to assist him in planning and he wanted to use the least amount of undead they have suffered enough in there life's but if need he would have to wake them
Time skip
The soul of cinder has 50 of the abyss watcher ready to defend the first flame he knew Ozpin would return with help.
Then there was movement at the mouth of the kiln there stood three people one to look in her mid 20s and to teenagers, the abyss watchers got ready to attack but where called off and the strangers were allowed to advance to the flame there stood the soul of cinder.
SoC: who are you and what do you seek of the flame
Red dress: we do not seek the flame but we seek you, well we don't but my mistress has been wanting to meet you for you know of the false brothers gods.
SoC: yes I know of these failures of the flame an abuse of the flame gift, they are think to remove humanity's knowledge of Magic because of one person leading an army against them and there false godhood.
Then a fourth voice joins in
???: So you know what the brother done to me by making me in to a Grimm like beast
SoC: you falling into the pools of the Grimm gave you your immortality but your mind remains you falling into to pools would only drive you mad if your evil but you entered because you wanted to die after your lover was taken form you by the gods and was made into a tool to go against you to kill you.
???: so you know about me but I know of you too you where a kid named soul you were young when'd your so called family started to be abusive to you and after one lie your family put you into a flame killing and reviving you into the first flame guardian, a husk of a soul, a cinder of a once's a young boys soul that's what your are.
SoC: nice to meet someone full of knowledge and not blinded by the brothers lies nice to meet you Salem the witch of the Grimm....

A/N- man it feels good to be back in action and finally making a new chapter after my long and need break but I'm back now and all I changed in the past chapter is the soul of cider telling Ozpin to fuck off

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