Wander or Wonder

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Ove still looks shocked though it's been hours since our group set off into the mountains; I'm sure he doesn't believe that Odin is really behind it all. Eluf seems to accept it without much fight- though later he might change his mind about being a part of this and I eye each of my friends wearily. I wonder if they understand how much danger they are in while they join me.

Right now it's beautiful, the sun hanging in the sky melting us with warmth as lazy foliage sways in the breeze- shamrock hues flutter alongside lighter green. The guys act normally- laughing as they banter with each other. Birds fly through the branches above, their melody the only accompaniment to the noise we make stomping against the ground. Ove walks to my right, and Eluf on my left as I absentmindedly look around- my eyes landing on Asger.

Asger walks several paces ahead, his thin frame bobbing as he trudges onward. I'd gotten decently familiar with the dream world, but I'd never taken another soul, and I jog to catch up to the old man as questions emerge from my mind. "Asger, how am I going to take them with me?"

His pale eyes cut to mine and he shrugs, "I've got an idea but it might not work. Step one is find a good sized cave to hold down." his vague explanation left me empty of answers and with a large pile of questions. I nod before slowing down again- prodding never works with Asger, so I'm better off waiting for my answer.

Walking on and off for three days begins to draw impatience from my friends; Ove starts to seek more answers about what we are doing. I tell the pair what I know, and am honest about not knowing how they'd be helping me. Eluf laughs, his stomach bouncing slightly as he slaps his leg lightly; He thinks that Asger and I have been playing a bad joke. Ove tilts his head as he looks at me, but doesn't protest as we move forward.

Asger calls to us from several yards ahead, the opening of a cavern wide above him as he cackles as a mad man. "Let's get set up- and I'll tell ya what I've got." We all agree and the guys go collect firewood as I tend to all of our furs. Asger minds himself the way he usually does- mumbling and shuffling around with pouches and jars he'd packed for the time here. "Iona- the first thing we have to do is figure out where Sleipnir is. I've got a ritual prepared."

I nod, distracted from rolling out furs in the dimly lit cave, I can trust Asger. "The horse would be useful, yeah?" my response spills out casually; though inside my mind is a storm. How am I going to find these stupid items- and how long will it take? Will I die? I shove my head in my hands for a few moments- a few deep breaths flow from my lungs.

"It will; because that horse is gonna carry your friends. You just have to find 'em and ride right back here." Asger grunts as footsteps echo from the entrance and the guys bring armfuls of wood in. They'd have to collect more later, but for now they help by building a fire. The cavern is a right good size- the fire illuminating it fully now.

There is a small opening in the top of the cave towards the back we hadn't noticed before- but now smoke plumes through it and all of us are thankful for the filtering of thick smoke. Ove and Eluf look around while they mention that they'd set some traps a few hours ago. "We'll check them in a bit." They sound tired, or maybe bored.

Asger fumbles with his supplies as Ove breaks off from Eluf; walking towards me intently- his heels catch him at a stop in front of me as I stand. He runs a hand through his hair as my brows furrow, "Iona- is this what you were worried about earlier?" his voice sounds both concerned and equally curious.

"Yeah... Odin came to me in another dream- and he wants something from me." My voice cracks slightly but I disregard it without notice. Ove's eyes scan my face questioningly but he only nods quietly- something quite unlike his usual self.

"So what do you need us to do?" My eyes flicker to his as he speaks up- a shrug of his shoulders ruffles the bottom of his dusk colored hair. I stand speechless for several moments before he swats my arm with a playful hand. "Are you gonna let me be your friend or not?" his child-like nature makes me laugh despite the situation at hand.

"Not sure if you're going to want to be after you find out what you guys' are helping me with." I retort almost joking as Eluf approaches us; looking questioningly as he hears the end of our talk.

"So what are we doing here anyway?" Eluf asks, his curiosity peaked now that Asger mumbles to himself over the fire. The crackling sounds from herbs thrown into flame pop in the air as we all collect around it. Asger seems to have already begun his ritual- so for now the talk ceases as I settle onto the ground; my knees settle against one of the furs I'd laid out.

The guys weren't sure what to do- so they follow suit; and we sit in silence as Asger chants around us and smudges each of us with a symbol. He then turns away from us- towards the flames as his eyes scan the smoke. Asger belts out some foreign tongue- following shortly after with "Give me my answer."

After several moments, his chanting quiets as he takes to sit at his own fur mat, we all sit in silence as Asger and I begin to search for the spirits' answers. Ove and Eluf watch each of us with cautious eyes as our own close- whispers flood the cave, and I listen intently as they dance around us. Reality seems to fade into a lull as Asger and I step into that world- where spirits prod and ponder.

I can hear a faint echo of Ove's voice hushed in question, "are they alright?", before slipping into the deep abyss. My eyes in the spirit world blink heavily- I almost feel like I'm pushing through cold waters as my feet catch solid ground again. The dark grey marble is slick underfoot as the water recedes to a pool behind me- Asger stands closeby, the both of us eying our surroundings wearily.

To one side a group of three stand in a semi-circle, a small girl stands between an older woman and man- each silent with prying holes for eyes. I nod to Asger as he casts me a sideways glance- we begin to move through the space; each step bringing more characters into clarity. Spirits appear to me as a reflection of their energy- some are human, animal, and some take obscure shapes I refer to as creatures.

They make different faces at us as we walk through the room, Asger leading me as he pushes through the mass of spiritual energy and peers over the crowd- searching for someone. We weave through the surge- the only significance in this room being the spirits held within it, there are no doors- no walls and no windows in this place. My eyes scan the air space around us, and I begin to understand why many of the eyes looking back at our own are hollow- they've been in darkness so long they no longer see.

Asger comes to a stop before a rather tall woman- she doesn't look completely human, instead more like a grim reaper of sorts. He bows his head and I do the same, a show of respect for the soul we've called out to for help. "It's nice to see you son." her voice seems to spit over the word, though she doesn't come across as venomous as she sounds.

"Motha." Asger's response is familiar, and he doesn't acknowledge her gruff way of speaking as he continues, "Odin's time for me is upon us- we need your help. Where is Sleipner?" Straight to the point, I glance between the two- curiosity pricking at my insides as Asger's mother eyes the both of us.

"Upon Midgard- though I can't tell you exactly where the horse stays. There are rumors that things within Asgard are quaking; things just aren't right up there." Her eyes dart from side to side, and she motions us to stand closer to her as she lowers her voice. "I can't do much for you my son, but here..."

She places a small metal trinket into his hands- the thin chain leading to a small encased crystal. Asger palms it, looking wearily around as he nods- "thank you mama."

Her gaze settles on him with a softness, one that had been absent until now. "It will help the girl find what has been lost; but bear mind you should all be very careful. There are beings who will be against you." With that she fades- though Asger reaches an eager hand to grab hers as she fades.

Darkness falls upon us both- and the warmth of the fire is what wakes us from that vivid dream; Eluf and Ove no longer sitting beside us. Ove stands over the fire chucking several cuts of wood in as Eluf skins some kind of small animal. It has to have been hours since we went under, and as my eyes blink to clarity Ove notices our consciousness.

As Asger and I both move around stiffly the boys eye us, though neither make any sounds to question what just happened. Asger hands me the chain before stumbling quietly along, taking over the food preparations, leaving the younger men to wander or wonder.

I fumble with the cold metal in my hands- no matter how long I hold it, it just doesn't get warm.

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