Sturdy Metal

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I wake up still stiff from the previous night's events. Asger eyes me with what I think is concern as I dress, bruises darkening over my legs and torso as the chainmail weighs on my shoulders. I ignore the pain as much as I can, only wincing as my boots slip onto my feet and my hands carefully arrange my dagger into the side of my right shoe. I head towards the door, Asger turning towards me.

"You're still going to train this morning?" He asks as I look over my shoulder, his sunken face focuses on me- making me shift lightly on my feet as I flash a reassuring smile.

"Don't show weakness- your enemies are everywhere." I say almost perkily- despite everything Odin's words stick with me. Though I'm not sure of his intent with me, he gave me good advice. I don't know what these people expect of me, but I surely won't show them that they can squish me.

He nods, and makes no other argument as I turn again- the morning light welcoming me as I make my way across the way to an open field where Ove and Eluf spar. They slow, but make no mention of last night as they point me to a sword propped against an old tree.

My hands wrap around the hilt, everything is heavy- but at least they'd given me a dulled sword. They take it slow, sparring with each other as I watch for several minutes before Ove calls to me over his shoulder, "are you ready?" I nod and come closer as Eluf gives me a smile in glance as he moves to the side- watching me carefully.

I lift my sword- heavier that the one I'd have used at home. My balance steadies as I get used to its weight in my hands. Ove and I walk, almost dance, in a circle before he comes at me. His sword swings down towards me and I duck to the left, my movements quick. A small curve to one side of his lips tells me that Ove is only getting warmed up.

A huff of breath parts my lips as I bolt forward and to the right, my blade an extension of me as my feet move. The metal clinks against the back of his leg, he growls as I dart farther past him- his arms swinging his sword around him and just above my head as he turns.

Catching myself on my heels I turn to face him and we are in a dance- the spar moving us in circles and squares around the clearing. Eluf watches us and I laugh slightly as I knock Ove down- and he to me over and over throughout the day. Eluf and I spar too, the two young men a bit surprised at my responses in movement.

After a few hours we take a break to get some food. Asger meets us, handing me a small leather pouch with coins in it. "Go see the smith about a good sword today too. Harald's mentioned sailing in two weeks." He clears his throat as he eyes the guys, "You two make sure she's prepared."

They each nod as I smile, "Thanks Asger". He's been the only one looking out for me- and even now I can't help but feel that he is a father I'd never had. The coin pouch sits in my hands for a few moments before Ove and Eluf tug lightly at my elbows- leading me through the village to the blacksmith.

Swords, spears and axes line the walls and tables in Sorrem's shop; the blacksmith proud of his handiwork as we browse. I need something lighter than the sword I practice with- my frame calling for a different blade. Most are standard longswords, made for large men- my eyes scan for the steel I pray for- a celtic cut longsword.

The curve of the blade catches my attention from several feet away- the blade solid but thinner than most. I eye it- the 2 foot length effective for my size as I pick it up gingerly. The hilt is a simple one, most of it wrapped in cheap leather while peaking through it small designs are etched underneath. "I'll take this one" my words sound more sure now than it has ever been as I toss his payment onto the table and continue to browse.

The sword holds comfortably on my hip as the guys watch me methodically look over everything Sorrem has to offer and collect several items including a helmet and second dagger. Once we finish there we return to practicing- something more serious behind each false blow now. The next days we spend like this- beating and bruising each other, collecting needed travel items and most surprisingly forming a strong friendship.

We sit in the sun one afternoon, each of us breathing heavily from the day's work as the breeze hits our skin. Eluf laughs- laying back in the grass as his huge frame pushes plants to the ground, "Where-ever Harald is taking us, they are in for a real ass kicking." His voice reminds me of his father, Vali- deep and rugged.

Ove scoffs and throws a rock at his ginger haired friend and I snort as it hits Eluf in his stomach- bouncing off onto the ground. "Eluf, you couldn't hurt a fly if you were fast enough to catch one- fat fuck." Ove laughs as Eluf's face turns red, but he shrugs it off as his eyes close.

I sigh into the air- it's starting to feel like home here- despite all that's happened because of these people- they feel like a family to me. Two ravens fly overhead and I watch them flutter their wings; pushing into the distance wild like shadows. The moments of silence we all share seems so precious as the wind blows and the rustling of the forest leaves shudder through the air.

I wonder if I'll survive in battle, if my friends will survive, all too soon we will find out.

We don't sail long once we are underway- skirting the coasts as Harald glares into the distance. I wonder what he's planned- if anything at all. As we pass villages on the waterside, the townsfolk eye us; aware of what we are an omen for, death. A few days pass and we come to a halt in a small bay, enough room to house our 20 man ship and keep it covered. That night we eat under the stars, boots in the sand as flames crackle.

Everyone is loud- Norsemen are notorious for their thunderous way of life. I sit at the fire with Ove and Eluf, and looking between us all I can't tell who is most nervous. "Are you scared?" Eluf's voice beside me quakes and I meet his chilling gaze and shake my head.

"I could've been dead a long time ago. I'm not so afraid of that anymore." My shoulders shrug as I say it- though Eluf only nods and looks down into the flames again. Ove drinks- his nerves more on the end of excitement. Both men are strong in their ways, though I'm sure Ove is more bloodthirsty than he lets on.

Harald breaks our flow as he stands and clears his throat loudly; most of us are already silent and paying attention. "Tomorrow we move inland. There is a village not far- there we will claim our victory and we will claim our honor!" The men respond with hoots and shouts of praise as he hypes them up. I sit, watching as each man bellows in his victory chant. "Finish your night men! The morning comes with the Valkyrie's horn."

Some men now settle for the night- others stay awake; their anxiety bubbling. A small group would stay at the ship- guarding it from attack while the rest of us would move inland. Asger glances at me as the firelight dances across our faces. When morning comes Harald is ready- his mouth almost foaming at the thought of his spoils to come.

Ove and Eluf are teamed with me and two older men to guard the perimeters of town while the slaughter takes on. My bow and quiver of arrows hang on my back and sword strapped to my side I nod. Asger tells me to find a perch- use my shot to our advantage and focus on any more challenging threats. "Any skilled fighters you spot that aren't ours- flesh them out. Take them out first. Your team on the ground will handle the rest."

I nod as he talks, my words failing me as my hands shake lightly. The last time I was in this situation I was the one being hunted... Maybe that's why I struggle at first. 

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