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I BEGAN walking out of my house and to the sandlot. Last night Benny asked if I could go there to watch him play, of course I said yes. I mean, who wouldn't want to watch their best friend play? I've known Benny for at least 4 years, within those four years, we became the best of friends. However, at some point, I eventually began to form a crush on him. Which I knew would happen at some point along our inseparable bond.

I've always kept it to myself, I didn't want my feelings to get in the way of our friendship. All this time I've been pushing my emotions to the side, only resulting in me falling in love with him even more, which irritated me greatly. We're only best friends, And that's all we'll ever be, Sadly. We're both freshman's and everyone knows he has a bright future ahead of him.

He loves baseball too much. It's his life. His passion. There's no way he could fit me in there too. In another universe, Probably yeah, but here, in the present time, No.

However, If you look like Benjamin Franklin Rodriguez, You tend to attract a crowd with little to no effort. That's the power of his insanely good looks.

I walk into the sandlot and saw a group of girls by Benny, Which didn't surprise me. The rest of the boys were sitting in the dugout, all drinking some pop, Clearly taking a rest from the hot sun in the warm summers of California. Once they saw me they all jumped and waved. I waved back with a big smile on my face. At some point, They've all suspected that I liked Benny, Or even him liking me, Which was complete crazy talk.

Benny noticed me walk into the sandlot and he waved with a beaming smile on his face. He attempted to walk over but the girls blocked him from doing so. I just grinned at him and returned the gesture, as any other person would. As I approached the boys, Yeah-Yeah handed me a pop from the cooler, I took a seat next to Squints, who was chugging down his second bottle already.

"Benny's such a chic magnet," Ham said in a jealous tone.

"Yeah, No shit. We've been sitting here watching him talk to those girls for the past 10 minutes." Timmy continued.

I just laughed at all of their comments. They weren't wrong, that's for sure. "Kae looks a little jealous here." Squints said, suspiciously looking at me. After everyone heard that, The rest of them did the same and I rolled my eyes.

"I'm not jealous. I'm used to this." I say as I looked away, very annoyed. I am used to it, Actually. When I'm walking with Benny around anywhere, I have to constantly hear about all the girls that go lovey-dovey over him. 

Ham hummed, "Really? You keep looking at him, and only him."

"I think you need to borrow Squints glasses, I'm not looking at anyone, I'm positive. Anyways, get your asses up let's go play some ball. We're not going to wait for Benny, Are we?" I say, Standing up. I set my bottle on the bench and fixed my cap that Benny gave me.

They all jumped up and ran out to the field to their positions. I grabbed Benny's bat and stepped into the batters' box. Ham slid his catchers mask on and I heard him mumble some things, I couldn't make out what he fully said though.

"Give me your heater Denunez!" I exclaimed, Smirking at Kenny.

Kenny pitched a few and I eventually managed to hit one, A pop up to Scotty, Who was in Left. He threw it in and I groan to myself, Frustrated that I can't get a good, decent hit at all today.

"You good?" Ham asked as he fixed his mask.

I hummed and took a glance at Benny, To my surprise he was already looking at our direction, He must've noticed me looking at him because he smiled. Me being the dumbass I am, I smiled right back at him.

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