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please read: these are all just imagines and not an actual book! :)

THE RAIN poured a little harder today. This entire week, It has just been pouring in California, which was definitely needed considering we're currently in a terrible drought, But we've all been dying to go to the sandlot.

Benny was staying over today, His parents were going to be at work and Alexis wasn't home either to watch him because she was with my brother, Brandon. The two were somewhere over the rainbow, For all I know. My parents were on their way home so we had the house to ourselves for a while.

Earlier today, We begged my mom to let us go to the sandlot, But she said that it was basically a huge puddle now with this rate of rainfall. We didn't believe her at first, But as we looked out the window, the rain was overflowing. It bummed us out for sure, So we tried finding other things to do around the house.

"We should watch TV."

"We should play with your dog."

"We should do this."

"We should do that."

The options were never-ending, Especially when you're both bored out of your minds. We decided to do a puzzle together, Benny's parents wouldn't get home until 8 pm tonight, So we had more than enough time on our hands.

I pulled out the puzzle box from the shelf underneath my TV. As I dumped everything out, Benny looked at me with reluctance. I simply grinned assuringly and started spreading the pieces out. We piece a few together, Messed up a few times, And got into little arguments here and there. Eventually, We both grew tired of it, To be honest, We both just became very impatient, so we just decided to drop the whole puzzle-idea.

"I give up on this." Benny sighs as he lays down on the floor.

I crumple all of our hard work and put it back in the box. I slid it back to where it was and laid down next to him. "Truth or dare?" I ask as Benny held his arm up and did some weird movements.


"Is it true that we're best friends?"

I turn to him and waited for his response, "What a stupid question. Of course, that's true." he exclaimed. I watched him as he covered his eyes with his hands and sigh. It was now his turn, "Truth or dare?"


He groaned disappointedly As if he wanted me to pick dare, "You're no fun, Kae. Is it true that you like Phillips?"

I scowled at him and shook my head in a more, exaggerated way. Never in a million years would I ever like Phillips, Especially after he called all of us, Except for Benny—which is no surprise—'an insult to the game'. I was never going to forget that no matter how hard I try. He discluded me out of everything because according to him—I'm a girl—but I still took it personally.

"Truth or dare?"

He picked dare, So I dared him to eat a lemon without making a single disgusted face. Benny has always been a daredevil, He always liked to prove himself especially to his older brother and his dad. He tells me that he doesn't want to show his family that he's weak, Which I know he isn't. He accepted the challenge quickly and I watched him stare intensely at the lemon in his hand, For a moment, he hesitated, I didn't expect him to actually do it, nor was I forcing him, So when he took a rather large bite out of it, I loudly gasped. He stared at me, maintaining a serious face, As I slightly grinned, he lost all focus completely and immediately spat it out in the trashcan.

He aggressively chugged down a water bottle and deeply exhaled, As if he had just come out from under the water. He caught his breath slowly and cleared his throat before playfully gagging. I roll my eyes at his immaturity and we went back to the couch. I took the remote from his hand and turned on the Dodger game.

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