BoO theory #2

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This one revolves around the "an oath to keep with a final breath  " part .

Everybody thinks it's talking about Leo here but if you think about it , it sounds like an oath completed when one dies .

Yes Leo did "die" but he completed it his oath to Calypso alive and it wasn't his final breath when he saw her again .

My theory is that this part (unfortunately ) revolves around...


In the last olympian we found out a prophecy can talk about two separate people (like Luke and Percy). The storm or fire part can be for Leo while the final oath for octavian.

Why Octavian?  Octavian was promised by Apollo to be the "savoir of new rome". He even said he will make it happen no matter what , just like an oath. And when he was catapulted at Geae he became the saviour  of New Rome since he did save demigods from Geae . And then died... 

If you have an argument about this comment in the comment section below .

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