Wow it's already that time of year again! also someone new?

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No one POV

So it has been a couple of days since the day when Will started to Penny and the two visitor that came from few days back. Right now it would probably about three weeks since everything went down also business has been great. For one being that everyone now have clothes like some normal needs. Lets just say.. once they got everyone got their clothes, shoes, underwear, socks, bras, and many more that people around them where they shop were consider it crazy. From that business lets just say... "Press Start" has never have been busier then anything before. For many of the faunus characters in rwby they got the most attention because well for one being animal traits that every customers thinks there fake. Second being that well they're in the biggest cafe gaming center in Mithril City. For everyone in the matter let take for security first they were some problems, but got resolve by the the mean and angry women or they talked it out. So the security is the good and great and some of the men knew one thing "don't touch the girls." Next one the bar Qrow and Willow are taking it by storm in that business by telling them where, how, and what can the tastes of this liquor is and many of the adults were happy and see that their old place is back in business. Some of the old customers knew the rules well for the new the old told them the rules and with Tai, Yatsuhashi, and Ghira they got it quick. So the Bar and security are good so the next one are the hosts Whitley, Fox, and Jaune they handled it very well for one being Jaune and his flirting skills are at the C ranks, Fox is at the B ranks, and surprisingly Whitley is in the A ranks probably from his skills from his bitch ass dad. From here everything is going swell up next is the one that are cooking like Summer, Kail, Ren, and Ruby they are cooking up a storm and this like a freaking exercising session in the kitchen. For everyone else like the rest of team RWBY, JNRP, CFVY, and many of the other characters of RWBY that includes Art as well. With that it has been three weeks since everyone and what has happen so far from this so let Mike take this role from here. 

Mike POV 

So everything is going well and it's almost Halloween well... everyone thinks it's good, but that help us. I mean it's good, but it doesn't help us finding the other crystals in the city. So at most it's like a good and bad for us in my general view of this. We're in the lowest of the low of finding away to return back and fix this whole mess and fix this time stopping world crap. Even so right now it's October 30 another Friday in the mix and Will, Lily, Team RWBY, Art, and I are sitting together talking about the whole mess... by that I mean.. work from class. 

Will: Alright! another packet done another drink for me. He said as he takes a soda from the table. 

Yang: HOW ARE YOU DONE!!?? I haven't finish like the third page yet!?

Will: That's because I maybe all muscle, but true power come from knowledge baby!

Weiss: I need some help on this one Lil *shows math problem* how do you do this one?

Lily: Oh that's a tricky one don't worry I got you.

Jaune: Jeez! talk about these problem! so.. do we call you earthlings or what?

Will: Look! I rather be a faunus then being called a earthling. That's weird Jaune. 

Nora is sleeping right next to Ren as he reads one of the math books that even he is baffled. 

Pyrrha: So.. how are your classes?

Ruby: Boring, torturing, and using the words of Mike my wolf is hell. 

Pyrrha: Oh my..

Blake: But, at least the Library in the school have more of a variety of selection on books that I never read and some that are amazing. 

Lily: Hey bro! what's the date is today?

Mike: Today's the 30th.  Why you ask? 
(Author: Just going to remind all of you Mike and Lily have a brother and sister complex. So they aren't blood related, but been together since little so they're feel like family)

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