Being a mom for a day and "Mission Start!"

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(Author: Please! someone gets this if you do you'll be shouted by me also by that I mean I'll call you out in the next chapter)

Third POV

Right now Ryuu is sleeping on Mike's bed because of the mishap that happen down stairs. Shinra is waiting behind the door just a precaution and Mike, Will, and the father of Mike Desmond also the wife of Ryuu. They're all siting around a small table that's in Mike's room and as Ryuu is sleeping Mike started to explain about Art and just revealing everything to Desmond about his and Will's crazy adventure. 

Desmond: So all those people are basically anime characters from the show that you used to watch and read about. For the little girl you adopted her during your adventure because she was getting abused and was about to be rape by her mother and aunt. But, back in the beginning you were called forth by Tet or Teto and he's the god of games in the anime No GAME No Life. He sent you and Lily to go into the world of RWBY, but why he wanted you two. Well because he made a bet with the Devil or aka mostly Death in that world and wanted to bring back the fighting and bloodshed so they made a bet and you two were his contenders for Teto. For the others like Sandy, Issei, and Will, but for Will he was acting like a double agent during the time because a fortune told him that two worlds, his best friends, and others stuff are going to go down bad if he doesn't stop this. So he acted bad so that Death also named Nito forgotten to add that in the half this whole story. Anyways! am I still in the right place?

Mike: Yeah you're in the right place. 

Desmond: After that you joined another school, but to add more to it an academy no less in such age you three. Your all fifteen at most, but you all were born in different mouths so that's a surprise like Will is the oldest because his birthday is on May, Lily on August, and yours son is on December. Anyways! back to where we are at in your story in this anime their are two races human and furries.

Will: I'm ya just stop you there sir there not furries there called faunus and they're in a bad relationship with humans. 

Desmond: Like what?

Mike/Will: Racism. 

Desmond: ..........I now feel bad to what I said. Desmond said in a sad tone and gloom down to his feet. 

Mike: Dad it's okay! 

Will: Yeah! besides we made our choice to be like this so we can help them fight back without violence just words alone will change the world. 

Desmond: ...Okay, but in any case Mike changed into a faunus, but a grimm faunus wolf that's connected to the bad guy- wait I mean bad girl? no that- you know what fuck it! lets just go with her name Salem done. Any case Will is a puma and Lily is a mix Oni with fire and ice. You and Lily have the power of the GAMERS for Mike you son can get, create, and upgrade the item in hand like a healing item or weapon to get a buff up. For Lily she can get any healing item or anything to her that can heal, buff, or to give magical abilities. But, in a cost Mike cannot bring out any of those items that Lily has and Lily can't use what you have son. Also your weapons are the same, but for Lily she has to use DMC weapons in the series, but that doesn't matter as you Mike can upgrade them or change their effects thanks to your GAMER ability. Also your abilities are the cause of a semblance aka something in your soul like a power if I'm getting in the right track here. But, for Will his ability is making contracts and deals and to those deals alone he can't be effected to his own semblance so he can make deals for himself without getting himself killed. 

Will: Yeah. 

Desmond: Mikes powers as a wolf grimm faunus allows him to see what Salem is doing sometimes and see through the dark, for Lily she can see through the dark, use ice and fire, her blood can heal very major injuries like a limb loss, but to an extent she can't use that all the time, she can also use her ice and fire to heal others, but once again that's will be cost to it and that's is draining her energy, and finally she can change her height and appearance to witch mood like Fire Oni, Ice Oni, or to Fire and Ice Oni. I won't go into the facts about Oni as I want to get down to business to this. For Will he has nanomachines in his body and to put more into info his nanomachines are upgraded and Will has trump cards to his nanomachines power. 

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