chapter two

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A/N heyyyyy I really hope you enjoyed my first chapter of the story it was a bit weird writing it cause I don't usually write creepy stuff but I guess there is a first for everything anyway enough talking and on with the chapter! C'you jazz xoxo

I wake up the next morning and look around my room, please dear God say that that was all just a dream, I look at my phone and notice that the camera is on, I look at the pictures that have been taken on it and notice there are 6 new ones all of them of me sleeping...well that dude is a creep...I put my phone down after deleting the pictures and roll out of my bed resulting in me splatting on the floor, I almost fall asleep again but then my stomach growls at me and I decide that I need food, once I finally manage to stand up I quickly tie my hair up into a messy bun and pull on a hoodie as the house is freezing.

I walk downstairs into the kitchen and I look through the cupboard, I find a pot of nuttela that I bought yesterday and grab a spoon along with a packet of oreos, "breakfast complete." I say to myself laughing, I grab my ipod which I left downstairs last night and go into the lounge...

As I sit down I notice a note next to me on the sofa I pick it up and read it, 'hey beautiful, last night was amazing thank you. I can't wait to see your gorgeous face your dark prince. This is the moment where I fell off my chair hysterically laughing at "your dark prince' I mean how cheesy can one guy get? I finally manage to calm myself down and get back onto my chair and start eating my oreos with chocolate spread on them :)

2 weeks later

For the past 2 weeks every night he has come into my room and spoken to me, I still haven't seen him but I could feel him lying next to me or hugging me, also I still don't know his name but I guess I will find out soon enough.

I am in my room playing on my Xbox on minecraft (cause I am awesome like that) when the phone starts to ring..I slowly make my way to the phone which doesn't seem to want to shut up even though I have told it to several times already "OKAY OKAY PHONE I AM COMING NOW!" I yell at it.

I pick up the phone "hello?" I say answering it "hey Jessie its mum." comes my mums voice, I breath out a sigh of relief "hey mum how are you?" I ask "I'm not great actually sweetie, I a bit of a mess to be honest." she replies sounding nervous "why mun whats happened?" I ask my nerves building up, "well I got a call last night from your phone, and it wasn't you obviously it was a boy around 19 or 20 at most and he said that he was going to have you even if it meant killing all of us, so I told him that he better stay away or else and when I got up this morning your dad he he's dead Jessie oh my god". She sobbed down the phone, I froze "how?" I whispered trying not to cry "h he hung himself." she was hysterical now and I could feel someone watching me "mum I will be right over just hold on okay, I love you." I say and hear her say I love you back then hang up.

Racing up back into my room, tears pour from my eyes and I shove on a pair of jeans and converse, I don't bother changing my top or hoodie its not like I care what anyone thinks, I feel a pair of arms wrap around my waist and the lights go out, yeah I forgot to mention this house is always dark and also its winter so the lights have to be on most of the time, except when I am out "YOU MONSTER!" I yell moving away feeling the pressure on my waist go away, I turn around and gasp, this time I can see him,he is about 6ft and is wearing a black hoodie and jeans...

"I am no monster, you're mother chose his fate last night." he states calmly moving towards me "stay away from me." I snarl stepping backwards "anyway I thought you could only come at night?" I carry on now shaking "I have grown stronger, I can now be seen and also appear when the lights are off in the day as long as its dark you will always be able to see me but soon my princess I will be with you even in the light" he responds somehow pulling me towards him and wrapping his arms around my waist "get away from me" I say trying to prise him off me "No you are mine now and I am not letting anything or anyone change that." he chuckles "Let me see my mum and once I come back I am all yours but please just let me see her...also just for the record this is ridiculous I don't even know your name age or what you look like." I say trying to remain calm but blurting everything out at once.

He pulls his hood down so I can see his face, he has jet black hair and piercing blue eyes which I must admit are gorgeous and I could look at them all day, he has amazing cheek bones and the cutest smile I have ever OH MY GOD JESSIE SHUT UP! "thank you Jessie I quite like my smile too. " he winks , oh yeah I forgot he can read minds "and I am 19 and my name is Caleb." he continues, "okay well um will you let me see my mum?" I ask "Do you promise you will come back to me?" he replys smoothly I think for a moment and then think about what will happen if I don't I look into his eyes and reply "yes I promise." he looks directly back at me "good, you can go but if you don't return you do understand what will happen don't you?" he asks, I nod my head and he kisses my cheek "I will see you later." I say getting up, I glance back at him and he nods his head smiling "yes you most certainly will.".

A/N the picture is of Caleb btw this is how I imagined him and when I saw the pic I had to use it :p

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