chapter 4

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A/N heyyyy guyss so here is update deaux just like I promised!!! The third upate will be up around 10/11ish am not quite sure yet anyway hope you enjoy it C'you Jazz xoxo

I finally pull up at my house and get out of the car, as I get to the door I am about to unlock it when it opens by itself and I can see a dark figure standing there ( A/Nkinda like creepy dude at the side), I assume its Caleb but Calebs voice suddenly comes from the stairs "hey princess you're back!" he says happily , I stare puzzled "wearn't you just um there?" I ask pointing to the spot where the figure was "errr no I was here the whole time, I mean it could've been...nah he is to sneaky and stalkerish...what was he wearing? I mean it could've been but no I I don't think it was.." He trails off "he was wearing black jeans and a black jacket, I couldn't see his face." I answer "oh fucking sonofabitch." He growls "wow thats a lot of the scarily weird happy witch lady in supernatural says 'when I want to say a bad word I just say fudge!" I chuckle slightly worried about how he will take what I just said "so what I would of had to say is oh fudge you fudging son of a fudge?" he chuckles "Yep thats right." I laugh "weirdo." he mutters smirking "hey! I heard that." I say pretending to be offended "Oh I am truely sorry your royal highness." he laughs , a faint smile forms on my face but is soon replaced by a look of horror as I see the figure again standing by the kitchen...with a bloodstained knife...

"Caleb.." I whisper scared "what is it babe?" he says and within seconds he is next to me arms around my waist, usually I would of moved away but right now I am shitting myself so I couldn't care less that he has his arm around my waist infact I feel safe, I point over at the kitchen and he looks "Jackson." he spits "Hey Caleb." Jackson replies "what are you doing here?" he says angrily taking a step towards Jackson "well I could ask you the same question seeming as I was here first." Jackson replies removing his hood, I gasp Jackson looks almost exactly the same as Caleb just eyes like cats eyes and bleach blond in a house with two creepy ghost dudes... "You wearn't accepted how how could you get in?" Caleb says stumbling for words "oh yes I was." he says matter of factly "by who?" Caleb asks worried "by your princess Jessie." Jackson answers winking at me which makes my legs almost give in but they don't "I um never er let!" I half state half question myself, okay now you have officially met weirdo me that appears when people manage to mess with my head ..

"Jessie don't you remember?" he questions sounding...hurt? " should I? I reply my voice shaking "Yes Jessie you should, I was Sammy's 'boyfriend'" he answers making quotation marks around 'boyfriend' it hits me then, about a month ago a guy came to the house asking about Sammy I said she wasn't in but was welcome to come in and wait, he came in we talked for a while, I never got a good look at his face though hence the shock when I saw him, but then his phone buzzed and he said he had to go and hurried off about ten minutes later sammy came back, well that answers that then, he never left he just hid, I look up and see him smirking.

Caleb is wearing his disgusted face its then that I realise both of them just read my thoughts so I do the unexpected and think about a really fat hairy guy who is naked (yes this is a horrafying image but their faces are what I want to see) I start thinking about how this guy is very attractive and the kind of guy I would love to have some fun with , I then look up at their faces and fall on the floor laughing Caleb is stood there with his mouth forming a perfect O shape and eyes wide and Jackson is looking utterly horrorfied and disgusted at the same time "what the ....why...just what the hell?" Caleb says shivering at the thought "well't be so..
..nosey." I say through fits of laughter "yeah haha very funny." Jackson mutters clearly unamused "my names bugs bunny." I chant earning myself an elbow in my side "owww what was that for!" I say smacking him "that was for being a two year old." he states "God I am stuck with a pair of psychopaths who have no sense of humour whatsoever." I state rolling my eyes "HEY!' They both say loudly obviously offended "what? you where going to read my mind anyway!" I state and make my way towards the stairs.

"And where are you going?" Caleb asks raising his eyebrows "to my room" I answer exagerating room "your leaving me? at this he pulls a puppy dog face "I turn noticing Jackson roll his eyes salute me and dissapear "yeah why would I want to be around you" I say my voice suddenly going cold as I remember todays events.."Jessie,I had too you don't understand." He says his face dropping "I understand perfectly Caleb, you saw your chance to take control of me and you took it, you keep trying to make me smile but when I do its not for long because I know you for what you really are...a monster." With that said I run up the stairs and slam my door shut...

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