chapter 5

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heyyy so this is update numero 3 for tonight! hope you have enjoyed it so far :D C'you Jazz xoxo

Its been about 3 weeks since I first met Jackson and I hadn't really seen much of him 3 days ago but its not just him that has been appearing its been other 'figures'...

my house is officially terrafying and to make thing's even worse Sammy is staying for an extra two weeks in Canada so I now have 6more weeks of being alone! Oh yeah I should probably tell you,Caleb can now appear whenever or wherever he wants, I have spent a lot of time with him the past 3 days and have found out him and the others are not ghosts they are called oblitus animarum, this is latin for lost souls,this means that they are not dead but not alive either, they once where living but lost all hope so they slowly dissapeared and could not be seen by the human eye except by a vagantem, this is also latin but means wanderer these are people whose minds are open to every possability and believe in anything and everything no matter how weird it is and of course I am one of them,that is how I can see them, however if a vagantem see's a oblitus animarum and they become 'connected' as you may call it the oblitus animarum gains confidence in themselves and strength meaning they slowly turn human again...and that is exactly what has happened with Caleb...

A/N okay so plz dont hate me I know you are probably thinking seriously Jazz that was the most boring thing I have ever read! But I have done two other updates today and decided it was time to do a filler chapter saying what they where and why Caleb can be seen again and Jackson not as clearly :p I promise the chapters will get better soon! C'you Jazz xoxo

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2016 ⏰

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