NO. -Chapter 4

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I woke up to a really cold breeze. Damn should of shut my window!

I pulled the covers off me to be greeted by cold air hitting my body. Yay. I trudged to the bathroom, took my clothes off and hopped into the shower. Ahh I love showers I love how it just relaxes you with just warm water.

15 minutes later, I was all clean. I turned the shower off and gently got out of the shower. I grabbed the towel as fast as I could so the ice cold breeze couldn't touch my hot body in time to make the hairs on my body stand up. AGAIN!

I skipped to my room and shut the door. I still felt quite old. Ahh the stupid window. I went over to the window and shuddered as I touched the ice cold handle. I closed the window and went over to my wardrobe. New skirt, fresh clean shirt, and tie. I threw them on my bed and went over too my draws. A fresh bra, tights and underwear.

I pulled my underwear on along with my tights, with my towel still wrapped safely around me then, put my bra on.

10 minuets later, I was all ready for school. WOO.

I jogged down the stairs to  the sound of sweet silence. My mum and dad do work.

Most days, so they must of chose t'day to go in. My dad is a bouncer (Body guard) and my mum has her own hair salon.

I grabbed a bowl and the shreddies from the coudbours, then got the milk out of the fridge and made my self a bowl of cereal. Not the best thing to do on a cold day!

I went into the living room and switched on the T.V, news,cartoons,music,more news... after realising there wasn't much on the T.V I decided to do my hair.

I gobbled down the last spoonful of the shreddies and put the empty bowl in the sink.

I quick jog up the stairs and I was eventually in the bathroom. I brushed my teeth, With my awesome tooth brush, By the way! and started plating my hair.

After my hair was done I grabbed my blazer, bag, keys and I-pod and walked out of the door.

My journey to school now begins.

As I walked into the building, (know as my school) everyone was whispering and staring at me.

Erm ok. Do they want to stop that?

I shrugged it off and went straight to my form room. Oh only sir's face could make me more happier this  morning.

SHIT. The homework, fuck, Im dead.

I had maths 2nd lesson today. CRAP! I have never forgotten my home work, and hell I'm not going to start now. If I want to get into Oxford Uni I need to have; Perfect attendance, At least B's In EVERY subject, No bad school reports and, AND no forgotten homework. FUCK!!

I trudged to my seat. Ok so now it's not the best morning I have ever had!

As I sat down people were still whispering, I could tell its about me. And no it's was not because I heard one of them say my name, It's just because I know this stuff. But I mean whats there deal. I heard someone whisper it again. Ok so I didn't do my home work and now people are talking about me. OH HELL NO!

'What is your problem, say my name a bit louder maybe next time I'll actually hear you' I snapped. I know you wouldn't think I was like this but I am. If someone is talking about me I want to know why. If I'm a geek or not.

They gave me a few funny looks but I just couldn't be bothered with bitchiness at the moment.

So I got up out of my seat and went up to Mr. Jamison. It's now or never... 'Sir..I. ehm..IKindOfForgotMyHomeWorkCanIPleaseDoItTonightAndGiveItYouTomorrow?' I rushed out.

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