Thought so.- Chapter 2

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I got to the toilets and looked in the mirror. Great. My hair which was down, was now stuck to my face and it was sticky and I now smell of orange. Why? Why did he just have to do this? God I hate him!. What to do now? I thought to myself. I cant go home I have a P.E.R.F.E.C.T attendance and I cant ruin that. oh I know. I grabbed my bag which was sat on the side of the row of sinks.

Where is he, I looked everywhere, I was now beging to get uncomfortable, people were staring and I felt really dirty. I hate it. Ahh there he is.

'Hi sir' I sighed. 'oh hi Ella h- what happened?!' he asked concerned. 'Oh nothing just a bit of an accident in the lunch room, slippy floor, people with lunch, me walking into them. I guess you can see where this is going?' I said quite quickly so he wouldn't know I was lying.

I know what your thinking why did you tell him that Louis did it. Well I have done that before and well you see what happens is, you get a really sour gut for about 2 hours. yay. Oh just so you know this is, Mr Jamison, he is my Form/Maths teacher. He is only 24, and if I may say he is quite attractive. He has brown hair that is styled kind of like Justin Bieber, but when it was longer, yanno because now its in like a quiff, But anyway he is like the only teacher I trust. I don't honestly know why. I think it was because when he first started he said 'Right class if you need, anything and I mean ANYTHING then you can count on me' Most teachers say that but, I don't know, just something about the way he said it just made me more comfortable, it's really hard to explain.

'Yes I see where that went. So what do you want to do? Do you want to go ho-' 'No' I interrupted him. Oops that was rude but. Ah well. 'I mean, you know I have a perfect attendance and I just, I mean there is only about 1 and a half hours left in school is there anyway I can at least wash my hair without getting disturbed?'  'Ok, know that I think about it there is somewhere you can clean up abit' He smiled brightly, grabbed a pen and jotted something down on the paper.

'Hear go to this room, now just follow the instructions if you get lost, and Oh one more thing... Don't get caught, your not really supposed to be down there, It's mainly for teachers but, I trust you so, there you go' He handed me the paper and gave a small smile. 'ok thanks sir, your the best!' I took it off his hads and smiled, he politely returned it.

" Bathroom 74.G74. That is the room number and the G just stands for ground floor. You will see a plaque on the door which says G74, and that's your room. Now from my class room, go down the hall and when you get to the art area turn RIGHT. Go straight down until you reach that poster about football, the one with the photograph room next to it. There's a door that says 'Staff Exit' Go through that door and you will come to another long hall. Go down until you reach the 4th door on the LEFT. Go in there and  its like a bathroom. You can clean up in there. 'signed Mr. Jamieson."

Ok. I thought. Lets go!

Down the hall- Check

Art area, turn RIGHT- Check

Straight down until I reach the poster- Check

Through the door- Check

4th door on the LEFT- Check.

Ohh it's pretty nice in hear. I set my bag down on the big counter. Took my shirt off, turned on the tap and started to wash my hair.

20 minuets later, and an entire soap bar later I was all cleaned up. WO. I had washed my hair and my shirt, I now smell of erm... soap. HA. I grabbed my bag and headed towards math. Lunch was over and I had maths next, so Mr Jamison wouldn't mind if I was late.

I opened the class room door and instantly felt 27 pairs of eye's on me. I instantly felt insecure. I hate it when people do that. I heard a few laughs, snigger's and whispers. I just brush it off. Not in the mood for bitchiness at the moment guys.

'Sorry I'm late sir' I said whilst taking a seat at my usual space. Right at the back. Near nobody else. Next to the window. Just how I like it.

'It's ok' replied sir, I mean Mr. Jamison. Sir came and handed me my book and homework.

'thanks' I mumbled. I scribbled the work I missed and soon I was back on track. Thank God only two of the Pop's were in hear. I just really couldn't handle the rest of them at the moment. I mean if you just had orange juice poured over you would you be in a happy mood? Would you be able to handle the torments of the other 11 Pop's?.

I thought so.

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