I'm going to know what he's up to -Chapter 7

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Ella's POV:

SO. I'm quite bored in ICT. Mrs Ian is out and we have a substitute teacher, who I don't know the name of, but she keeps screaming at Jake because he can't get onto the computer, which is broke.

Stupid teacher.

I already did all my work so, I'm just sat hear reading the last part of 'The Hungr Games'.

"Katniss smiled brightly and took Peeta's hands. The winners of the 74th Annual Hunger Games. The voice boomed through the speakers.

The End."

So that's the second time I have read that book. Oh I'll read it again but I want a new one. I might go to the book shop. My grandma's friend owns it, it's really peaceful and homey I just like it, not to mention I get discounts. I get like £1-£2 off a book which is good because then I go to the coffee cafe across the street and get either a hot chocolate or a Carmel latte. Depending on the mood I'm in. I got to know the guy behind the counter in the coffee shop anyway, he's called Eddie, I also found out he is 17, he's single and lives with is mum. I don't really ask him much else I don't want to be too nosey.

I galnce at the clock 9:30 am. Finally 10 minuets left. I turned back to my computer and looked for good book suggestions.

Top ten books.


Scrolling down...


Scrolling down...

Scrolling down...


This looks interesting.

'The life of Rachel Riley'. I don't tend to go for REALLY girly,cliche books but, you know just give it a try right?

'Right you lot, log off and go on your break' The sub teacher snickered. Well I won't be having you as a sub teacher again. I hope. I logged off the computer, grabbed my bag from under the desk and walked out of the ICT room.I sighed I really want something to eat. Chocolate.

Chocolate sound really good. Just 3 more hours just 3 more hours I repeted in my head as I walked down the stair case and into the break hall. I don't really come into the break hall that often there's not much to do. In all honesty I don't know why I'm hear. I turned on my heel and when to walk out.

'ELLA' Someone shouted. What the hell. I turned back around.

'Hello babe' Louis smiled. What the fuckballs.

'Erm hi and don't call me that, EVER' I cringed. He put his arm around my shoulder. Ok this is really weird and uncomfortable, what is he doing everyone is looking. The Pop's were whispering and looking me up and down. I removed Louis arm from my shoulder.

'Dont do that' I glared.

'Ok' he said simply.

I turned and walked out of the hall. The next thing I knew my face was against the wall.

'Don't you dare talk to Lou like that, If you don't want to get hurt t'day go and say your sorry!' They pulled my by my hair to the entrance of the hall. I looked to the side and saw, oh yay, Riley, whats her problem, she gave me a death glare and I walked towards Louis.

I tapped him lightly on the shoulder.

'Ehm Louis' He turned around and looked at me in the eye. I stared at Riley and she gave me death glare, well your a pleasant girl!

'I-I'm sorry' I stumbled. He just looked me in the eye, like he was looking right into my soul. For a minuet I actually forgot I hate him but it was soon brought back when he smashed his body to close to mine I swear I felt my spine go through my rib-cage.

Thanks Louis.

He pulled away from the hug a minuet and examined my bright red cheek that hit the wall.

'Ella why is your cheek red?' He actually looked like he cared.

'Oh I erm.. fell up the step' I said nervously taking a quick glance at Riley. Louis watched my ever move.

'RILEY?! You did this didn't you don't you ever do this again got it?!' He said through gritted teeth!

She just nodded her head and walked off with the rest of the  Pop's leaving me and Louis together.

'Thanks' I mumbled, unaware of what to actually say.

'It's ok don't worry about it' He smiled, and walked away just like that.

Ok, I was not buying that there is something wrong. How I know this?

1) He asked me out.

2) He talked to me and called me 'babe'. Que shivers, Gross. He hardly ever spoke to me other than when he was calling me a bitch, slut or dog.

3) This is most important he stuck up for me! What he never does that and to Riley, The most popular girl of the Pop's is he insane.

I'm finding out whats going on with this strange boy, and this 'date' ,Que shivers again, is going to help me find out exactly what I need to know.

I'm going to know what he's up to.


Oki I know I said it was going to be really long well I just wanted to upload because I was geting Tired and well I owe it to use I hope this is like 2 pages long if not then guys I'm really sorry!

I tryed to make it as long as I could but, I just didn't want to bore all of you, I know you might be a little confused but you'll understand shortly!

Like I said chapter 8 I will try and make it as long as possible but yea I really hope you enjoy this Fan-fic I try and make it as good as I can, I'm not really good at writing but yeahh!!

But anyway I will write the start to chapter 8 tomorrow and it should be up by Saturday. I'm really in the mood for writing and updating so yeahh, you're lucky ;) ha

much love/ love you all

Alanya x :)

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