New Friends

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Fast forwarding after the fight to save Eri, to when they the ambulances took everyone to the hospital.


It's hot. I can hear alot of things moving around, but it sounds like it's far away. The only thing I can smell is the freshness in the air. I open my eyes, but everything's blurry. 

After a moment or two, everything comes into focus. There's a white ceiling above me, and lots of people all around. Then I hear a quiet gasp.

"She's awake! I can't believe it! She actually is! Tom! Noya! Come 'ere!"

I turn my head a little. The distant voice is actually a man next to me. Then I look down. I'm on a bed. 

"Hey there, my name's-" suddenly the room started shaking as the man utters, "Whoa!"

This is scary. 

What happened to Lemillion? And-And the green hero? Is he ok after what I did? Where were they? Are they ok?

The man must have noticed I was scared, because he was saying, "It's ok. You're ok. We're just getting you to the hospital. And once you're done there, you won't have to worry again. 'Cause we're all your friends."

They're my friends? My... friends?

Next to me--sitting on a little bench--is a woman in a ripped red dress. There's also three girls there. Their clothes are also ripped, and are kind of strange. One is with short, brown hair, one with long, green hair and one with swirly, lilac hair.

I feel so weak and... helpless. My tired eyes try to close themselves and sleep, but I wasn't going to lose consciousness that easily. But then again...


This was too much for her small head to bear. Her exhausted body had had too much. All the violence, the pain, the sacrifices all the people there had made... just to save her.

"You're one tough cookie kid... I couldn't have survived all this time the way you did." the man said.

He smiled at the sleeping child. He knew her horrid days were over.

 It was time for the light to shower her, washing the darkness of her past away. Though some memories wouldn't leave her. They'll follow her for the rest of her life, no matter what she did. The best thing they could do, is to comfort her best they can. It was the only thing.

And before they knew it, the hospital was there.


A gentle moan escapes my dry throat. My body is engulfed by soft, silk covers. I don't feel that hot anymore, just warm.

I open my weary eyes and rub them with my hand. I'm wearing a mini blue dress. It's so much better than the one the hassaikai gave me. 

"Oh my gosh! Hey hon! My name's Tori. I'll be looking after you, so can you tell me your name?"

Turning my head, I spot a lady in a pink dress sitting in a chair. She has dark brown eyes, and lovely blond hair that's tied in a bun. She has a matching pink hat as well. She stands up and walks towards me.

"I'm your nurse. That means if there's ANYTHING you want or need, you just tell me, 'kay? I'm gonna tell the doctor you're awake. So sit tight, he should be quick."

Tori went to a part of the beige wall where there was a black phone. The room was very plain, but the window was looking towards a park. Curiously, I went to go have a peek.

"Oh no, Eri, honey. Don't do that. Just, um, stay in bed."

"You know my name..."

"Oh, well, um, there's some.... papers... that tell me things about you. Like your name."

"But that's not what I mean... You asked me my name... when you knew it."

I looked up at Tori. This was weird. I had never talked much to anyone, but here I was, babbling to a stranger.

"I needed to know if you remembered, nothing more hon." Tori replied.

Tori was very nice. I really liked her, even if I just met her a few minutes ago. She phoned the doctor then gave me a plate with some food. Then I remembered I was hungry.

The doctor came soon enough and asked me a few questions. He put this weird thing on my chest and a stick in my mouth. He told me to call him Yuki.

Both Yuki and Tori were nice. Though I didn't ask for anything, they always reminded me, "If there's ANYTHING, just tell us."


A few days passed, or was it weeks? Anyway, I was treated like an angel. But when Tori said, "Hey Eri, honey, Yuki's gonna come and we're  gonna go and do some tests. They're not going to hurt and we'll be really quick, ok hon?"

That's when I started to sweat and kept mumbling, "No... no more tests.... please... I thought you were... my-my... friends? Friends don't do what... the.... hassaikai do..." My voice was breaking and stuttering as a held onto Tori's dress, tears streaming down my face.

"Oh! No, no, no, no, no! No Eri!" She hugged me for the first time, tears in her brown eyes. "We're not monsters! We'll never torture you like they did! Never! We're only going to scan you! To see how your body's doing! It doesn't hurt! I promise! What happened to you before..." she squeezed me even tighter. "will never, EVER, happen again!"

Then I hugged her back.

"Tori?" I asked

"Yes, what's wrong?" she sniffed.

"You and Yuki... you said to ask you if I wanted or needed anything... right?"

"Yes! Yes of course!"

"Can I see Lemillion? And the green hero?"

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