Chapter 2: Starting Off!

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You slowly open your eyes to see your in a...Town?.

Aiden: Wait..Where am i? What do i do!?

Aiden starts to panic since he has no idea what to do or where to go so he starts mumbling really fast since Aiden is having like a mini-panic attack...He suddenly feel a buz in his pocket where he realized that was his phone device giving by Rory and Kurumi. You push the button and you see Monika on the phone screen.

Monika: "Hey Aiden sweety, Calm down, its alright i'm here for you~"

You calm down a bit while blushing at Monika calling you a sweety again.

Monika: "Look here Aiden" She shows you a task menu "1st thing you need to do is find a guild, Ill help you find the guild so we can get you registered to get going on your new life!"

You nervously nod and started to walk around for a while since it was a big town until Monika helped you find a guild like building by using her app that's like Google map.

You nervously push open the door to see people drinking, eating and talking to each other. you slowly walk inside as the door quickly shuts behind you causing you to jump. Some of the maids and patrons caught this and laughed and giggled at you for being cute or just plain funny. You see a well-endowed Blonde haired girl walk up to you and she asks you.

Well-endowed Blonde haired Girl: "Hey there cutey, Do you need need help with somthing~?"

Well-endowed Blonde haired Girl: "Hey there cutey, Do you need need help with somthing~?"

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You Nervously stutter at her beauty and say.

Aiden: "Y...yes I need register at t...the guild"

She looks at you and you see her smirk and lick her lips and she tells you to follow here to the reception desk. You of course follow her to the desk and wait for her instructions.

Well-endowed Blonde haired Girl: "Alright Cutey~, My name is Luna, You need 1000 Eris to register your self into this guild sweety~"

You suddenly feel somthing heavy in your pocket, as you reach in and pull out a bag of Eris with your stick note from monika saying "I got you covered sweety~".

Aiden: " you g..go Luna"

You stutter shyly as you hand Luna the 1000 Eris and she takes the Eris and show takes you to the Crystal ball with a card and tells you.

Luna: "Place your hand on this crystal ball so I can see your stats please"

You nod while walking up to the crystal ball, You put your hand over the crystal and you see it starting to react.

Aiden: It looks like its printing my information onto the card...

The crystal stops reacting as you see Luna picking up your card and she looks like shes freaking out right now!.

Luna: "Woah!, Your luck stat is pretty good and your intelligence is pretty good to same with your Endurance but your stamina is below average while your strength is Really bad...But its okay sweety~, you still can be..."

She pauses as she sees a legendary class form onto the card, She reads it and she screams out.

Luna: "SUMMONER!, I don't even know what that class does and I've never seen it before!, Congratulations Sweet heart~, You got yourself a new class that's never seen before!"

You stare at here while other patrons heard the comotion and cheer for your new class as you blush and stutter from embarresment, but then you hear two shouts that you remeber.

Kazuma: "Aiden!, Over here!"

Aqua: "I'm Over here Cutey!"

You quickly walk over to them while Aqua asks you to join there party as you agree to join them Aqua says.

Aqua: "It's a adventurer's life for us starting today, Kazuma! Aiden!"

You and Kazuma both nod and you start off your adventure!


You are walking around outside to see Kazuma and Aqua doing there basic day jobs to earn money for are party and themselves.

Aiden: What should I do to earn money?

Suddenly you feel your phone buzzing, as you take out your phone you see Monika on the screen waiting to talk to you.

Monika: "Hey Aiden~, it Seems like you need help with somthing?"

You nod at Monika and say to her.

Aiden: "Yeah, I dont know how to gain money tho..."

Monika thinks of a couple ideas to help you get money.

Monika: "Well sweety~, You can either do kill quests, Get a job at a shop or somthing"

Aiden: "B..but im not strong enough to do kill quests on my own and I dont know what job im good at..."

Monika thinks to herself for a minute and realizes a idea.

Monika: "Hey Aiden~, How about this"

You listen in to Monika's Idea.

Monika: "Ill spawn in an allowance of money so you can do things with, but there will be a limit mister~"

You smile happly at Monika's idea.

Aiden: "Really? Thanks Monika!"

You smile cutely making Monika blush, She gives 20,000 Eris and tells you not to spend it all at once. You realize its night time and you walk towards where Kazuma and Aqua are sleeping at, until you realize your at the stable.

Aiden: " *sighs* I guess this is where i'm sleeping to huh?"

Right before you manage to walk in, you see 3 girls summon from your phone to stand right in front of you and to realize it was Monika, Kurumi and Rory.

Rory: "Why are you going into the stables Cutey~?"

Aiden shrugs at Rory.

Aiden: "I have no where else to stay at besides the stables?"

As soon as he says that, Kurumi grabs his head and smashes his face into her Well-endowed chest and says.

Kurumi: "No your not sweety~"

Monika chimes in.

Monika: "What about that allowance I gave you?"

You slowly realize that Monika did give you 20,000 Eris to spend and that you can probably rent a room for a while.

Aiden: "Okay, I guess I can rent a room for myself tonight..."

Rory, Kurumi and Monika give you the death stare and they all say at once.

Rory, Kurumi and Monika: "You mean a room for all 4 of us?"

Aiden quickly nods by being scared and quickly ran off to get a 4 bedroom room, so they can all sleep while cuddling Aiden to sleep.

--------------------------------------------------Chapter End------------------------------------------------------

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