Chapter 3: 1st Quest/ The New Girl?

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-----------------------Time Skip 1 Week: Aidens Pov----------------------------

You start to wake up from your bed to see Monika, Kurumi and Rory cuddling you in very lewd positions making you blush. You decided to wake them up so, you can get started on the new day.

You: Come on girls please wake up...

You say to the sleeping beauty's.

Monika, Kurumi and Rory: Five more minutes...

You sigh at there laziness to get up so you come up with a trick to get them up.

You: If you girls don't get up, I wont let you cuddle me anymore....

The 3 girls instantly got up and quickly ran out of the room as you comically sweat drop.

Aiden(Thoughts): Well that worked out pretty well....

You got out of bed and started to get dressed while thinking what are you gonna do today of all things, since you been here a week, you just been spectating on what Kazuma and Aqua were doing, And it was safe to say that you where happy that Monika gave you that allowance since you didn't really had to do hard labor like them but you did kinda feel bad...a bit.

You walked down stairs to the lobby of the inn you were staying at to go see what Aqua and Kazuma were up to.

------------------------------------Quick Time Skip------------------------

You find Kazuma in the tavern with Aqua being stressed out since they wanted to go on a adventure and do quests, not sit in town and do labor for ever. You walked up to them.

Aiden: Hey Kazuma, Hey Aqua!

Kazuma and Aqua look up to see you infront of them.

Kazuma: Oh hey Aiden

Aqua: Aiden!

Aqua quickly shouts out while smashing her chest into my face.

Aiden: Please get off me!

Aiden shouts trying to breathe from getting smothered from Aqua.

Aqua: Ooh sorry Aiden~

Aqua gets off of you and sits down on the chair as you sit next to her while Kazuma sits across from you.

Kazuma: So Aiden, What have you been up to for the past week?

As Kazuma said that, that starts to make Aqua wonder as well.

Aqua: Yeah, what have you been doing Aiden~

Aiden comically sweat drops at Kazuma's and Aqua's tone..Did they just realize that I didn't help them in the labor job?

Aiden: Well..I've been just exploring town for the past week...?

Kazuma: Mhm..and where have you been sleeping at?

Kazuma and Aqua waits for Aiden to give his awnser as Aiden starts to get a bit nervous, until he feels a buzz in his pocket to see Monika on screen.

Monika: Hey Aiden put me on speaker, I'll tell them sweety~

as you blush, you put the device on speaker as you show it to Kazuma and Aqua.

Kazuma And Aqua: Who are you?

Monika: Well my name is Monika and i'm Aiden's "Item" that he chose...Well more like gave but you get the idea. Anyways I've been watching over him and I made him get a room in a nice inn so he dosen't have to sleep in the crappy stables with a perverted shut-in neet and a useless goddess.

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