Chapter 3

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Star: Freyr’s Star (Kepler 22b) Planet: Ljossalfheim


As the shuttle descended through whispy clouds in Alfheim's atmosphere, Hal could see titanic white trees reaching up from the forest floors, as if they were trying to grab at the stars themselves. Alfheim was a sylvan paradise of epic proportions.

They were flying into Llangernyw, the capital city of Alfheim; the closer they got, the more apparent it became to Hal how un-city-like Llangernyw was. It looked more like a botanical garden on a busy day. There was not a single building anywhere in sight, only massive trees, out of which Alfar streamed, and into which they disappeared, going about their business.

"Incredible..." Hal muttered.

Nila, sitting in the next seat, looked over at him. "It is lovely. If their trees are this big, I can’t wait to see the flowers!"

The shuttle approached a clearing in the forest that was Llangernyw and touched down. With an obligatory pop and hiss, the doors opened. The shuttle's engines began to spin down, the high pitched whining descended to a low thrumming.

As he stepped out of the shuttle, Hal stretched and inhaled deeply, grateful for a reprieve from recycled air after his ten week flight. His nose was flooded with a sweet scent, reminding him of honeysuckle, and a vacation in Virginia. 

A tall comely woman with flaxen hair, seemed to glide up to him. Hal was struck by her lithe appearance and fine features, which he understood were typical of the Alfar; a result of evolving in a low-gravity world—Alfheim's gravity was 0.9G, or ninety percent of Earth’s. Hal certainly felt a spring in his step.

Flanking the blonde woman were two men, clearly guards, wearing some kind of greenish-brown body armor—which Hal could swear looked like bark. Each was holding a staff a foot taller than themselves. They glared at the humans, while the woman beamed warmly as she approached them.

"Haldor Olsen, I am Saeran. It is so nice to finally meet you. You are the spitting image of your father," she said, extending a slender hand. Hal received it gently, afraid of hurting her if he gripped it too tightly, but she surprised him with a very firm handshake. He looked at her shocked.

"Was that inappropriate?" She asked, “My understanding is that a firm handshake is a sign of confidence and respect."

"No, that was fine. Just surprised is all. Please, call me Hal.” 

Saeran nodded. 

“And most people say I look like my mother—with me having dark hair. My father was fair haired,” Hal said.

“Oh, my mistake,” Saeran said.

Hal turned and gestured to Nila who was now standing beside him. "This is Nila Johar, my navigator."

"Nila, it is a pleasure to meet you,” Saeran said.

"It’s my honor," Nila replied

“Is the rest of your crew coming down?” Saeran asked.

"We're it, except for our cryptographer, Elnora Kollman, who's already here,” Hal explained.

“Very well then, why don’t I give you a short tour of Llangernyw?” Saeran offered.

“That would be lovely,” Nila said..

“Please, if you’ll follow me.” Saeran gestured, turned, and moved down one of the walking paths, her pea green gown flowing gently like tall grass in a meadow.

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