Chapter 12

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Nila’s jump was going to take them seven days through hyperspace to make it back to New Midgard and their rendezvous with the other ships, but at least they’d have the time in hyperspace to carry out repairs. 

A few hours after their encounter with the hostile alien vessel, Hal assembled the entire crew in the Sleipnir’s War Room. Around the room the crew sat quiet as Hal stood and addressed them from the center of the room.

“We did well,” he said, shifting his proud expression to each person in turn, “it may not seem like it, but you all did your jobs perfectly, and under sudden and adverse conditions. I’m sure we’ll see worse before this is all over, but I wanted to let you know our little skirmish was a success. It proves to me you can do your jobs, and it should prove you have the confidence, ability, and courage in the face of the enemy. I’m proud to be your Captain.”

There were nods of acceptance, and a few skeptical looks, but Hal sensed most of them felt good about what happened.

“That said, we have work to do. The last missile hit has damaged the hyperdrive engines, and although our capable engineering team is repairing them,” he gestured to Teaghynn and Mared, “we may not be in the clear yet. Gina, I want your marines to help with the repairs in any way they can—grabbing parts, holding tools ... whatever. I know that’s not what you folks trained for, but we need all hands involved to ensure these repairs get done. If we can’t manage the repairs quickly, say within 48 hours, I’m told the hyperdrive may suffer severe damage, and we’d be forced into normal space to make repairs, putting us all at greater risk.”

“Anything we can do, Captain, you’ve got it.” Gina said.

“Yes, sir!” came a chorus from the marines.

Hal smiled at them. “Good, I like your enthusiasm. We’re still seven days from New Midgard in hyperspace, so I really don’t want to get stranded out here. Our Pinnace does have an emergency hyperdrive, but at one-third of our current speed, that would be twenty-one days just to go get help—one way.”

“Sir,” said Kasper Vollan, “we could get out and push…” The team laughed.

Hal was happy to see some of the tension ease from his people.

“Maybe just you, Vollan,” Hal replied.

“Yes, sir!” Vollan said, standing with a crisp salute.

“Ok, that’s it. Dismissed,” Hal said.

The crew began shuffling out of the room and Hal motioned for Nila to stay.

“Yes, boss?” Nila asked.

“Nila, I want you to identify every habitable refuge between here and New Midgard, that way we have a ready list of emergency stops should we need them.”

“Of course. I’ll also program that data into the Pinnace, shuttles and life-pods, just in case.”

Hal nodded. “Ok, great. Let’s hope we don’t need it, but better prepared than not.”

Nila nodded enthusiastically, eyes wide. “Indeed!”

Hal stayed in the War Room to use the large holographic projector, typically used to plan battles, but was also used to browse astrogation data. He called up a star-chart of all the space between their current location and New Midgard—essentially browsing the route and the data he’d asked Nila to prepare. He just wanted to get a rough idea of what was in between them.

Eva walked back in, and Hal turned. “What’s up?”

“Nothing much, I just wanted to see how you were holding up. It has been a trying few weeks,” she said.

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