The music just for fun this chapter Now where is it (y/n) said to herself as she carried a light blue bag that is had one or two things in with humans stuff. Hey be safe said toga swimming right behind you. Oh come on bestie you said. Look there it is said you said to toga
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It's really something said Toga I know you said in execiment. You pulled toga closer. As about to enter toga said umm I am not going in there. Okay you said you can stay her and look for sharks you said with a smirk. No way she said as she enter after you. Stop Begin a child you said to her. Am I not a child she said back to you Time skip MOMO you yelled seeing the bird. Sweetie she got up flew down to see you as she said. What is this you said holding up a two human items. Wow she said. I have not seen this in years. Let me see she said also. What is it you asked. Tia a fork like yours but made of a different material she said. What about this one toga point to it with her tail. Wow have not seen this in for many years. It is a snarlefat she said with a smile. What the snarlefat do you said. Well the snarlefat was created to make wonderful sounds so the humans didn't get bored. Like music. Momo said with a smile and little laugh. Now the one is the one you know of the smoker people use a special type of ash and lit it up when the blow a little air into it smoke come out. Music you said as grabbing you stuff putting it back your bag. The concert Toga said in a worry voice. Yes hurry home princess said a deep voice. It was all for one. Tomura was watching him. Sir spoke up maybe if we sent out Kai and Dabi to kept an eye on her we can take down endeavor said Tomura At the castle What were you thinking Endeavor said. I was just exploring you said to him. Exploring he yelled you we should waited until the concert was over said Awazir. Now am the hole laughingstock of the kingdom. Toga but in said it's not her fault. Endeavor said explain. Well there was this shark and it was like I'm going hurt you but it didn't we got away then this seagull then she stop talking as soon she said seagull. Toga look at you and then swam next to you. Seagull you know better then go up to the surface endeavor yelled. Nothing really happen you said. I don't care I don't want see my youngest daughter hooked by the fisherman hook yelled in voice that you can only hear I'm not a kid anymore I'm sixteen years old yelled back in the same voice. You swam away. Maybe Touya was right you mumble to yourself. Do you think I was to hard on her endeavor asking Awazir . No course not sire she need a good talking to said Awazir. Hmm you right and you can always keep an eye on her Endeavor said to the crab.