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"(Y/N) what are you doing?"

You see, your big sister just found you in her room.Using her art supplies.Doodling and crafting non stop.It was to the point paint was all over your hands and some parts of your chibi face.

Your beaming expression held joy as you saw Ace enter "Oh just in time!Look at what I made!.." you held up, with so much pride, a colorful picture of a dragon "..I am sure Crossy would love it!"

Send help for Author-chan, your too innocent and pure for what is to come!

"Wow!So much detail and.." Ace steps in a green puddle of paint " much green."

You seem to have forgotten about the promise with Crosshairs but only be more of a cinnamon roll then ever.It was what you do best.

Ace sighs, shooing you out of the room "Why don't you go hang it up in the kitchen hm?I need to..clean..for a while okay??"

A hyper nod "Okie dokie!" before you indeed ran to the kitchen.





You now were outside holding a basket full of fruit and skipping towards the barn.

"Waite?Wheres the apples?!.." you stop to see only oranges, bananas, and kiwi in there instead "...Oh well, this will do I hope.." was the last thing you said before you open and walk in quickly but swiftly as you could.

But the next thing that happen was all your fruit was taken and thrown to the side, which sadden you, before your being pushed harshly to the ground.Held down for no escape.Your little form being towered over by a beastly metal one.It wasn't Crosshairs...

"Hound!Get off of her you fat aft!"

The one towering over you grunts "Why should I?She is a motherfragging human ya dumbas-!"

Your suddenly snatched away from the bulky darker green blued dragon, who seems to get pissed off more, before you look up to see deep blue dragon.

"Nothingless, it's a sparkling.Hound.Keep your profanity to yourself do not ruin this one's mind."

The loudest cough like tched you heard in your life came from that dragon known as Hound "I would not be saying scrape if you didn't as like a higher fragging rank classmech Drift!"

Hound?..Drift??...waite a second?

Your mind is slowing processing everything around you.You only lead and knew Crosshairs was here, but now, now here you are surrounded by two more.More dragons.But where was Crosshairs?

Your question was answered as he called out to you, he was still struggling to stand on all fours "Should you be at school lassy?Or hanging out with whatever friends you have then be here-??"

"I-I don't have any."

All of them were suprise in some way to hear that.Most sparklings have comrades at your age or so by now.But it seems that Hound and Crosshair held no soft face but a glimpse of pity while Drift over here is showing emotion without fear of what it may cause.He could already see you as a good ally and kind soul.So why hide it?

"Why not?Your a kind soul.." Drift foretold, pointing his finger claw at the mess of various fruits on the floor "...who has the heart and mind to think about others they do not know."

You seem to smile at Drifts words but it only went down once you continued "Thank y-you...I do try to make friends but everything and every time I did, I-I end up as the outcast.."

Hound seems to hum deeply at that "Then stop trying to fit the pit in." a cigarette like item was spit out by him, no wonder you smell smoke all of the sudden "The more you force yourself in, the more easier you'll be to break down."

Drift was indeed suprise to here something so foreign come from Hound's mouth, but Crosshairs limps over seeming to already get used to three legs.

"My bandages need to be fix, got anything in here las?"

They all watched you think, taking a long 1 minute, before nodding and running off to find it.

Dragons POV

"You got to at least try Hound, she seems nice-."

"Like pit I would Drift!Look I may have said something out of my vocabulary but me?Friends with a human??AAH!I will never hear the end of it!!"

Crosshairs groans, clearly thinking it out "Look Hound, buddy old pal, just give the las a shot.And if it all fails you can just leave the place for good."

Hound looks disgusted "I did not just hear that come from your mou-."

"But you did.In or out scaredy cat?~"

There.Crosshairs knew how to tick and tack those who are around him, especially the ones he truly knows.Hound was fuming.He wanted to slur curses at them both, beat the scrape out of them, everything he wish to be doing before you came back with what Crosshairs desired for.

Drift watched you do your handy work, surprise to see you knew something so vital like this.

Hound didn't give a scrape but enjoyed Crosshairs small whimpers and hiss in pain, music to his audio receptors.

Crosshairs was the one who creates the pain not be the one in pain.He, and the other two, knew this human aid kit was nothing to rightfully help heal this wound.He will need to see someone else for that.For this.But here he was, letting you play dragon doctor in real life.

"I think that's it.." Your already cleaning up your mess, and the fruits along the way "...d-dose it hurt still?"

He shakes his head no.

Before you could put anything away you bumped into Hounds leg, causing you to fall.But it didn't hurt.The tail of Drift soften your fall as it now slowly helps you back up.

"You have no friends right?" Drift ask, you only nod in confusion.

Hound let's out a grunt, no words would be spilled from his lips, so Crosshairs said the rest "It looks like you gained three in one day lass."

The three of them all watch you smile a big one, becoming super happy, and all they could do was watch you  show your emotions and cuteness.

Now you got dragons as friends, how great is that?

Under The Stars [Dragonformers X Human!Child!Reader!]Where stories live. Discover now