Chapter 1-A hand in marriage

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It all began when our eyes met. Blue, piercing, the type that stares deep into your soul, hungry for attention and control. Her eyes may have looked innocent from afar, as from the appearance only a mere young adult only in her early twenties. but beyond that she was much wiser. Many centuries older than expected yet aged very beautifully. Her smile was menacing, with one corner always giving a bright smirk. Her complexion was as pale and delicate as the freshly fallen snow on Christmas day along with a kind of youthful glow. Her hair fell effortlessly in loose waves down her back in a deep deep auburn color. I have never seen anyone so strange yet enchanting. From the moment I met her, I could see that she had something special, something different about her. Something that would take me ages to understand. But I wanted to understand.  Her demeaning dominant aura didn't seem as much of a threat at that time. Partially innocence in my eyes. But what did I know? I was only a mortal when we met and little did I know how my life would change because of this girl. 

June 2nd, 1710, new Orleans ( founding era)

My father had wanted me to live a better life, Away from hunting and the poor. As his only daughter, it was my duty to do everything I could for him. He had no sons that could later take over his trade. So, I was encouraged to find a rich man that could take care of me. Especially now when the richer people were becoming poorer by the second. My father's trade was hard for him to manage on his own and it was more difficult as  He could no longer afford to waste time with me acting 'mindlessly'.  since I was only a young woman, I could not help him. Instead, I was sent off to New Orleans where I was destined to find a suitor. 

After a long and tiring journey, I had finally arrived to what seemed to be a marvelous manor, which would certainly be owned by a rich man. Surrounding, the grand manor, was a field filled with a large number of working slaves. This man must've been a master himself just like my father. However, I didn't like the way the slaves were treated ever since I was a young girl and I could never understand why they were treated in such a way. I wanted to change this manner in whatever way I could, but first that would mean getting along with the owner. 

As I stepped down from my carriage, I gently picked up my dress and walked along the grey path leading up to the front door of the manor. I knocked twice and waited for an answer. Shortly after, a young man, with long black hair opened the door. His emerald eyes greeted me with a warm smile as he took my hand and gently kissed it in greeting.

"You must be Lady. Anne, how beautiful you are. Your father has told me a lot about you. You arrived earlier than I expected. Please come in a feel welcome".

His voice was proper yet abnormally low, almost uncomfortable to the ears. He seemed to be gentlemen like by his appearance however, his expression and actions looked troubled and unsettled like a bomb ready to explode at any moment. His mind seemed to be somewhere else, making it hard to understand him as a person. Maybe getting closer to him would be harder than I anticipated. 

Cautiously, I sat down in the lounge, which was filled with magnificent decorations. a kind that I have never seen with my eyes before. Large paintings of the owner holding a gun, probably from when he served to fight. Gold drinking glasses were placed in tall brown cabinets and the armchairs were a rich sea blue. Instantly, in the middle of the room I noticed a grand piano, black with gold embellishments. it called out to me and I yearned to play it. I had experience in playing the piano whenever guests arrived at my father's home when I was a young girl. Unfortunately, as I grew older my father made me get rid of it as it was seen as a distraction. Not only this, I secretly hoped to become a piano player but I knew that my father would never agree to such a thing.

Nostalgically, I strolled over to the piano and caressed it with my fingers. Not an inch of dust was present, in fact it seemed to be very well kept. I sat down on the matching black stool, admiring the keys. 

"Lady Anne, you must enjoy piano very much", Sir Abijah chuckled disturbingly to himself."Unfortunately, you cannot play it in this house as I hate the sound of it greatly. It is mainly used as a simple decoration".

I pushed this aside and got up from the piano.

"As you wish Sir Abijah" I sweetly replied with a small smile.

"And you may never ever touch it ever again or anything else in this house without my permission, got it?".

His tone of voice became stricter by the second. I could not comprehend why he was speaking to me like that. Perhaps he was always this agitated. Soon after, he left the room and walked to the back of the house to the larger field. Shouts and piercing screams could be heard from where I was standing inside the house. I dared not to think about what was happening outside and even if I wanted to see, it isn't in my place at this moment.

 Later that day

It was now tea time. Sir Abijah invited me to join him at the dining table. It was long and filled with fine ornaments and cutlery of all shapes and sizes. Also accompanied by a golden table cloth and a lavender candle at the center of the table. Sir Abijah sat at the other end of the table, making us face each other. The huge space between us did not eliminate the suffocating tension. He stared at me savagely, while twiddling his thumbs. Before he spoke he proceeded to adjust and roll the sleeves of his white shirt. 

"I'm sorry for the way I spoke to you earlier miss, I was a little frustrated with my business. Please do forgive me. I am actually a very civilized and understanding man. I also know that your father sent you here with the intention of you becoming my bride. However, I think that you didn't really have a choice in this matter madam and you will most certainly become the lady of this house and trade. You see, your father paid me half of his share for me to agree on taking your hand. In other words, he sold you just like cattle. You aren't very worthy to him I assume. But don't you fear, my dear. All l will be well as long as you follow my rules and don't get in my way. "

Horrified, my words become a stutter. 

" I beg your pardon, Sir but that is not true. MY father loves me and he only wants the best for me. if he heard what you said just now, he would take me back from here. I don't think you are very well mannered will all due respect and I don't want to take your hand in marriage even if you were the last man on this earth. even a slave could treat me better then you can".

With hearing this, He stood up from his chair furiously with both hands on the table. He walked towards me aggressively, his smile from five minutes ago wiped off his face. He grabbed me by my neck and spat, " Do not talk to me like that, you may not raise your voice at me, little miss. Without me, you would be alone maybe even working on a field yourself. Do you want that? Your father doesn't want you anymore because you are a burden. I can see why he thinks that now so you must show me some respect or else I won't be so nice to you". He grabbed my throat tighter pressing his fingers deeper making me turn purple. I gasped helplessly.

"No, I will not listen to you and I don't want to stay here. I don't believe you!", I screamed.

Tears began to stream down my face uncontrollably. 

Sir Abijahs hand left my neck and slapped on my the left cheek bringing me to the floor.

I held my cheek in my hand and looked up at him disgustingly.

"This is your last chance or I will be far worse, miss Anne", he spoke softly while bending down in level with me, lifting my face with his finger. 

I spat at him showing him my clear disgust. 

Sir Abijah stood up and smirked, wiping off the spit off his face with the back of his hand.

"I see how you want to act Miss Anne" he spoke and walked away. 

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