Day 1: Surprise

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It started with a collapse.

No matter what anyone else says, how many times they insist that they're right, it started like this. It did not start with a kidnapping, nor did it start with brainwashing. It certainly didn't start with a case of Stockholm Syndrome, as that would involve kidnapping, which it did not start with.

It started with a collapse, okay?

That is what Error will say. That is what Dream will say.

That is not what anyone else in the Multiverse will say.


Error was, in his opinion, a simple man.

He knew what he wanted and how to get it, and he made sure he always got it. He enjoyed watching his favourite show, Undernovela, and sitting in Outertale, looking at the stars. He even created these puppets of all (...fine, most of) the Sanses in the Multiverse. And no, it wasn't weird or ironic at all that the Destroyer made puppets, and if you try to say that it was, he'd come and kill you himself.

Anyways...he was a very simple man. Yes, he destroyed worlds, but that was because there should only be one; the rest were just disrespectful to the original world. However, everyone else was blinded by that stupid squid of an artist into believing that they were good and meant to be there. So, he had to take matters into his own hands and do everyone a favour.

And he got no thanks in return for it! Can you believe it? Here he was, doing everyone a favour and everyone was getting mad at him for doing it! It's like they don't appreciate it at all...but that was fine! Frustrating, yes, but fine! He didn't need to be thanked for doing his job; he knows that when he succeeded in his goal, that everyone would realize that he was right and then they would flock to him, begging for forgiveness. Until then, he would continue doing his thankless job. After all, somebody had to do it, right?

However, despite him being a simple man, there were some things he didn't understand.

The worlds he destroyed were a given one; he doesn't think he'll ever understand why they're being created and keep being created. He also doesn't think he wants to, or will ever want to. It would just interfere with his job. Besides that, there were a few minuscule things he didn't understand (like the thing in Undernovela that they do when they wrap their arms around each other; like, why? What even is that? Doesn't it hurt? It's always weird when it appears...), and one other major thing.

The thing about 'Soulmates.'

Yes, they are a thing in this Multiverse, however much Error wishes they weren't. Everyone was so, so excited about them, the idea of having the perfect person to grow old and die with. Okay...perhaps not everyone viewed it as such, but did that really matter when it was basically the truth? You're right! It doesn't.


Bullshit, is what Error thinks of them. Pure, unfiltered, smelly bullshit. Why, you may ask? Because they were just a myth! A myth that everyone fooled themselves into believing because they weren't happy with just one person all their life. They wanted the belief that they would find the perfect match, the one who would accept them for all that they are. And for Error? It makes him laugh.

If you hadn't guessed, Error didn't believe in 'Soulmates'.

Now, he will admit that he doesn't truly understand why he's so against it, but he just accepted it. He didn't want to try and dig for an answer that may not even exist.

Besides, how could you even tell that you're unable to lie? You would need to be actively about to lie to them if you had a chance at detecting it. And for him? He's always honest, so it would be even harder for him.

ErrorDream Week 2020Where stories live. Discover now