Ok so this is the same as the last chapter I called possible except I'm not putting pictures....I'm gonna go through pain and misery...and type.it.ALL.please respect this as I am just stating my thoughts on them and I could be very wrong and them not even have any meaning at all but honestly I sorta think that every song has a meaning in its lyrics whether it be only 1 or half of it or even the entire song i feel like at LEAST 1 part of it has a meaning and please no hateful things said because honestly I try and this will take me forever and honestly I really like FNAF and a lot of other things (fandoms oof) and don't get me wrong I'm not someone who comes up with theories or that posts what few I do come up with online and yes I did once sometime ago make a theory that I ended up not posting online about (it was when Jessi vee had made that video about jack in the boxes I think /I know it mentioned Punch and Judy I think that was their names/ and I made a theory that the Jokers 2 henchmen from the series The Batman from I wanna say 2008? I just know it was before I was born but it was in the 2000s and that he had named them After those 2 puppets or whatever -Punch and Judy- because they were like his puppets because they were HIS henchmen they did what he told them to do or say what he wanted them to do or say he controlled them he was the Puppet master -Puppeteer whatever it's called- he was the one who controlled the puppets in this case it was them -I honestly wouldn't be surprised if that's why they were named that as no joke the joker is pretty smart and he would do something like that- so he pulled their strings and they did what was wanted but I didn't comment anything) but I also sometimes make more relative theories that prove things or people are real or fake or I try to because my mind works in a weird way I guess ( year ago or something I made a theory why I think Santa has a good chance of being real but I may talk about that later oof 😂) but ONWARD WITH MY MISERY AND ENDLESS TYPING!!!!!
Once I get comfortable.......if that ever happens
The 1st lines meaning~I watch your moves= Glitch in the game technically is watching all your moves as you progress because from what I have seen every time you complete a game he gets closer to you so he is watching you progress.
The 2nd lines meaning~And I stalk your motion=Glitch does indeed stalk your movement from again what I have seen and heard because every time you complete a mini game or whatever he slowly progresses across the room so at the same time every time you collect whatever it was he gets closer and closer to you so he is stalking your motion(following your every movement).
The 3rd lines meaning~Break all the rules=WE are the ones breaking the rules because the tape says to NOT collect them and not put them back together BUT we don't listen and we put them back together anyway therefore breaking the rule-DO NOT PUT THE TAPES BACK TOGETHER.( and then she says put them back together so maybe in a way we broke both of those rules idk)
The 4th lines meaning~You can't fix the broken=At the last moment when you are told not to put the tapes together it's too late therefore this line is talking about The rule WE HAVE BROKEN and it's too late at that point you can't fix anything and you have broken the rule so bad that it can't be fixed (meaning we broke the rule didn't realize it until it was too late and by then we couldn't fix it and we just had to move on and deal with the result of our mistake).
The 5th lines meaning~You are my only escape=From what I've seen and heard no matter what you do every ending is a BAD ending (in one he traps you in a room where it's obvious other people have been trapped in and couldn't escape, another he stuffs you in a Freddy suit and as you are on stage you have to watch him dance around to the song that YOU are FORCED to sing, and then another is where be basically takes over your body...) And it could mean 2 things-1 You are Glitchtraps only escape and he takes over you so he can escape into the outside world. 2 Tape girl is in Glitchtraps body forced to do this for an escape so that she can possibly get out into the world and find Glitch and stop him with our body since he has hers (or to find Glitch and help him)
The 8th lines meaning~Trapped by a Glitch=It doesn't matter what we do Glitchtrap escapes and we are trapped which would mean that WE have been trapped by Glitchtrap.....and he is THE Glitch in this line
The 9th lines meaning~I turned old and rotten=This line is likely pointing to Springtrap at least that's the obvious to me and the reason would be because William had gotten trapped in the suit for 30 years causing his body to decay and become rotten and old and the same goes for the suit (oof just random input as I am writing this I have this song playing on Spotify and that line just started playing) because the suit holds his body and it is old and rotten and even when he becomes Scraptrap that's still the same thing (as in he is even MORE rotten at that point and it makes it seem older) and when you think about it that makes perfect sense since in FNAF 3 he is the only one that is actually there the rest are just phantoms and I may be wrong on this but I thought about it and Springtrap is really the only one that is rotten and old in FNAF I mean yea they are all kinda old and a lot of them have bodies in them but think about it almost all of them have the bodies of kids in them with the oldest being probably 11 and yes they are old but compared to Springtrap they are new because if I'm correct Springtrap was SpringBonnie...one of the first, IF not the 1st or 2nd one ever really made which would make that suit much older than the rest and it is confirmed that SpringBonnie and Springtrap are the same and the other animatronic was Fredbear (another input that isn't actually in it but I'm thinking Fredbear and Golden Freddy are the same but not sure) but this line is likely talking about William Afton (SpringTrap) because William was an adult when he got trapped in the suit and there really isn't another animatronic that is old (they all are but not as old as Spring) AND are rotten (personality and corpse as he had a rotten personality since he was a child murderer /input again I DO INDEED know he has 3 kids I know some shit ok? Ok..... but I said this since he killed like 7 kids AND he made the animatronics at SL with designs made to KILL children which sadly led to is daughter Elizabeth getting killed by CircusBaby/ and he is a rotting corpse in a bunny suit) it really only fits SpringTrap
The 10th lines meaning~Somewhere I made a mistake=Most likely talking about William because somewhere 30 years ago HE made a mistake he made 2 mistakes but one led to the next his first mistake was when he killed those children and stuffed them in the suits and that led to the next mistake which was when he got into the SpringTrap suit to escape the children's souls causing him to activate the spring locks leading to him BEING TRAPPED IN THE SUIT he made a mistake somewhere along the line! A mistake caused by his own creation, one that he didn't expect or plan, one that left him sitting there for the next 30 years leaving him old and rotten like the last line William made a mistake he couldn't fix it he died and he became old and rotten (since his body and the suit were old after 30 years and both were rotting especially his body)The 6th lines meaning~Cuts bleed to stitch=I'm not really sure about this one but I think it means one of these, 1 We get put in a suit (or end up in GlitchTraps body) and our cuts and wounds they sorta just disappear and they turn into stitches (like On GlitchTraps suit the stitch's or whatever) and you become one with the suit as your cuts and wounds and just the old you fades away and you become one with the suit
The 7th lines meaning~My teeth need to sharpen= again I'm even less sure about this one but I'm sorta thinking that it means we need to be feared (or want to/trying to by doing something) so we are doing things to get that fear (I'm assuming it's trying to make Glitch scared) so we are doing things
My drawings
HumorMy crappy ass drawings Warning may contain disturbing images such as uncolored red blood and knifes also may contain some insulting drawings but yeah but it also contains phobias and fear and if you have the phobia then yea you will see what would...