Gotham 30 day challenge

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Now I know it defeats the purpose when you do it all in one day but if I do it for 30 days in a row I'll forget to do it one day and realize it like 2 weeks later so I'm just gonna do it all in one day...tOdAy

1 Favorite female character~hMM that's kinda hard I don't really like many female characters....uhhhhhhhh either Fish Mooney or idk if this one counts but Jeri I wish her character got more episodes instead of like 2 appearances in one episode helping Bruce find 'Matches' Malone. I honestly have no reason Fish is a strong smart independent woman who is in charge I feel like you can't really find those ESPECIALLY in Gotham I mean have you seen Sofia falcone? Or just in general most of the females????? It's just scary how entitled they are but Fish well she isn't really entitled and I really like her character. And jeri well SHE WAS INTERESTING and again to me same as fish she was very just...idk independent and yea she was basically obsessed with Jerome, but, who doesn't have a obsession? I happen to for some reason be obsessed with psychopaths......specifically psychopathic clowns......why? Idk and this my friend's is why I do not fear clowns and I'm 100% positive that no part of my entire being is scared of clowns oof.(or Sarah Essen she may be the favorite female character but idk)

2 favorite ship~HmMMMM that's hard I didn't think on the ships too much I mean the only real ship that truly EXISTS is nygmobblpot idk if I spelled that right but poor Ozz- wait i am at that scene where Ozzie asks "where are my clothes" and Ed responds with "I took them away" UHhHhhhhh EdWaRd ArE yOu SaYiNg YoU sTrIpPeD hIm????? IT EXISTS!!!!! (I'm rewatching Gotham for the 3rd or 4th time in case you wanted to know) but it's either....nygmobblepot or baby bat jokes as it is called 🤣😂 (don't judge me for this one but uh.....I may ship Jeremiah and Jerome /that actually does exist and I'm guilty of shipping it I'm sorry but I'm not)

3 favorite season~I NEVER actually thought of that at least not that I remember I would say maybe season 3 or 4 idk I guess because season 4 (if I remember correctly) introduces Jeremiah idk and those seasons you see the most of the Valeskas (I'm obsessed with miah I confess 😂🤣)

4 favorite male character~isn't that obvious? It's Jeremiah Valeska and I have no particular reason besides well he is just ADORABLE and as my mom calls it (it is a real thing idk if google will tell you what it means but look it up) I am a serious Stan no I'm not even a Stan I'm WORSE than a Stan lol which is sad

5 least favorite female character~uhmmm well to be fair it's basically all of the females but uhhhhhhhhHhHH Sofia falcone why?How the fuck is that a question she is a entitled snobby bitch how can you not dislike her???

6 which character can you relate to most~ uhm I have never thought of that and got a answer so I don't really know so I'll just say Edward Nygma why? Because I'm this shy bean who is picked on by others (not like everyday but it does happen) I'm teased but inside much like Edward had a  monster inside basically that is hiding but if you give it that good strong push it will just....escape....and I don't have split personality disorder or at least I don't think i do I wasn't ever diagnosed with it....but my thoughts basically bully me 😂🤣 a lot not gonna lie they bully me everyday and from what I remember have for the past year oof

7 what is one scene in season 1 that you wish you could change~ hmmmm (I cant really remember if this scene is from season 1 or the beginning of season 2 but whatever) probably Barbara 'killing' her parents why? Because I'm CoNfUsEd I know it may seem sad but I'm confused did Barbara or did the Ogre kill her parents? She says she did but did she? Or did the ogre? And it frustrates me because I'm just so cOnFuSeD!!!

8 least favorite male character~ hmmm BrUcE wAyNe!! Why? Well cuz I can(and I quote Pink!) and he is a entitled little brat and a slut for information I mean I am too but not as much of one as BrUcE WaYnE

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