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Bryce suddenly kissed me and held on.

"I love you more," he whispered and I smiled.

"Now, come on!" I jumped up and down, but he spun me in, pressing his chest against my back.

"I rather enjoy this moment for a minute." I felt a chill run through my body as he slid his arms under my hoodie and around my waist. He rested his chin on my shoulder and I heard his soft breaths. "I love you, Soph," he muttered and I stayed quiet. "And you love a nontalented douche like me." I brought my arm up and scratched his head in a loving way, kissing his cheek.

"I do," I muttered. Bryce and I drove to my place and neither of us had said anything.

"I'm sorry if I'm ever a pain in the ass. It's just my personality."

"And I'm sorry if I'm always so focused on my work that I don't pay attention to you."

"No, no, no. You literally pay more attention to me than your work. And I think you need to focus on your new song. And you even have to film for Selfish."

"Speaking of Selfish, I won't be available for the next two days."

"That's okay... Will I see you at night?"

"Probably not."

"Okay, Josh, Blake, Anthony, Jaden, and I are driving in an RV to Texas. So we'll be a while..." I nodded and knew it was only fair.

I was filming and had just finished when I got a call.

"Hello?" I asked.

"This is Texas police. Do you know someone by the name of Bryce Hall?" A man asked.

"Yes. Why? What happened?"

"We found him with marijuana. And one of his friends too. They have 180 days in jail and the bail is $2,100. You're in the emergency contacts."

"How soon can I get them out?"

"As soon as you can arrive." He hung up and I contacted my lawyer and everything. I had a couple of security guards with me and we had a drive to Texas. We got to the Lee police station and two security followed me with my lawyer. Josh and Anthony had texted me about it and I had told them I'd do something about it.

"Bryce Michael Hall and Jaden Hossler..." The man at the front typed it in. "That will be $4,200. And they're required to get back to their home town where they live."

"Okay," I nodded and bailed them out. I put my sunglasses back on and the boys were pushed over to me. The guards took their handcuffs off and Bryce and Jaden walked over. I didn't say a word and motioned for them to walk. I was honestly disappointed in them and had more respect for Bryce since he took the blame for Josh to save Josh from getting deported. I made them sit in the back and I sat in the front as a security guard drove.

"Thanks..." Jaden said.

"You boys are... I can't believe you!" I snapped and turned to them.

"I know, I know!" Bryce said.

"I'm supposed to get all of you back to your RV and take you to LA!"

"Yeah. Just... do that." Jaden looked like he hadn't slept for days and Bryce's hair was messed up as if he had beat himself up about it. We were all quiet and got to the RV. Josh and Blake came out and Bryce and Jaden went to them.

"You guys are all over the internet," Blake told the three of us.

"What?" I asked and he showed me his phone.

Sophie Rose Seen Bailing TikTokers Bryce Hall and Jaden Hossler Out Of Texas Local Jail

"We have to go back to LA," Jaden told the guys.

"Can-Can we talk?" Bryce asked and pulled me aside. "I'm sorry, Soph! I hate putting you through this trouble and... I am problematic. I'm the worst boyfriend ever, but can you please come with us so we don't do anything stupid?"

"Fine," I said and Bryce slowly pulled the sunglasses off my face.

"I'm sorry, Soph." He puckered his lip and I stopped him.

"You'll get a kiss when you earn it." I took my glasses and sat in the RV with the boys. Jaden kept apologizing until I forgave him. Bryce was quiet and everyone went to sleep. I stepped over to him and sat on the armrest of the seat. He was looking out the window and I pulled his hood off, running a hand through his hair. I kissed the top of his head and he looked at me. "You okay?" I gave a small smile. Bryce hugged me around the waist and I sat next to him.

"I'm sorry," he let out and tears flowed down his cheeks. That was the first time I'd ever seen Bryce Hall cry.

"Oh, baby. It's okay, it's okay."

"No, it isn't. I put you through so much and you still stick by my side."

"That's what I'm supposed to do. It's what I wanna do. Bryce, no matter how problematic you are, I'm here for you."

"I'm not good for you," he wiped his eyes, but more tears came. "We shouldn't be together."

"No, Bryce..."

"I'm being serious. I-I don't think we'd work, Soph. I'm sorry." I just got dumped... "We... We can stay friends with limited contact." I nodded and sighed.

"Then... get some sleep." I went to my own seat and we got to LA soon enough. I went home and a week passed. Bryce kept hinting that he still liked me and the public knew that we broke up. I got a call from Bryce at midnight and answered. "Hey, what's up?" I asked.

"Let's meet up? Like, now," he sounded unsure.

"Um... Okay. Yeah, sure. Where?"

"I'm at your front door." I hung up and opened the door. Bryce came in and I led him up to my room. We sat on the bed and I waited for him to speak. "Have you moved on?" He asked after wetting his lips.

"No... Why?"

"Have your feelings changed about me?"

"Bryce... Just tell me why."

"We should get back together."

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