Chapter 1

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It was a cold morning, oddly chilly for it being October. The rain was pouring, as it has been for the past week. You wake up to the sound of it pittering and pattering against your window, and your god-forsaken alarm clock. You groan because it is Monday, the absolute worst day of the week. Not much happened over the weekend, mostly you sitting and drinking coffee on your laptop. A report was due today, one which you procrastinated on and worked on all night, leaving you with one hour of sleep.

"Damnit..." you grunted. "I need my sleep..." After you said that, your AI woke up as happy and lively as ever. "Good morning F/N-san! If you keep up that grumpy attitude, your hue will get clouded!! What would you like for breakfast? Omelet, cereal, oatm-" You cut it off with two simple words. "Shut up." But, it didn't take heed. "F/N-san! You must eat or you might get stressed!" "...AI! You must let me sleep or I might get stressed!" You said in mockery. It finally shut up, only after you ate your breakfast. After changing into your work uniform, and grabbing a cup of coffee, you took the bus to work.

All of the seats were taken, so you had to stand the whole way. A man offered you his seat, but you said no, explaining how you would most likely fall asleep. Around 10 minutes later, you walked off the bus at the Ministry of Welfare Public Safety Bureau office. God, was this job stressful. Being an Inspector was hard, but you still loved it. You were friends with all of your subordinates, and you all got along well. Unit 1 was where you were assigned, and you'd been working there for 2 years.

"Morning, F/N." You'd recognize that voice anywhere, it was Gino. He'd been supporting you ever since Shinya left. "Good morning Gino..." You grumbled, eyelids drooping. "F/N, were you working on that report all night?"

"No," You hesitated.

"Yes, you were. Why don't you go take a nap? I'll work on report duty today," He offered.

"Gino... you don't have to do this, I'm awake enough-"

"No, you go take a nap. If you were to do the work, you would most likely be fired for having done the shittiest reports of the century."

You scoffed. "Thanks, Gino." You walked with him to the office, starting small talk here and there. An obscene thought had popped into your head, but you quickly pushed it away, frowning.

He looks over at you, eyebrows furrowed and eyes full of concern. "What's wrong?"

"Just... the usual. I keep having this sinking feeling that Shinya was kidnapped after he ran off. I can't stop thinking about him. I wish he was here, right now..." Your voice cracked, and tears streamed down your face, unable to stop. He halts his walking, and turns around to look at you, wiping the tears from your eyes and embracing you.

"I'm sorry," you muffle into his shirt, "I don't want to be weak, but here I am, crying in the rain."

"F/N... Don't say that. Don't say that you're weak. Everyone misses him, and you had a very close relationship with him. You aren't weak for missing someone. You're the strongest person I know, and I don't want you to go through this. Please, F/N, don't say anything like that ever again." He speaks into your ear.

"Gino-" You were abruptly interrupted by Mika, who was scowling at you two as if you had torched a building. She hated you, but it was indeed a mutual feeling.

"L/N. Don't get so friendly with your enforcers. They might turn you into one of them." She hissed at you, but you paid no heed to her foolish, judgmental words. You were about to say something, but Gino beat you to it.

"I'd watch your mouth if I was you, Shimotsuki. I was once an inspector myself, but I couldn't keep the job with my crime coefficient rising and rising after... my father died. Right now, F/N is going through a tough time, so I am comforting her through it. I don't believe F/N deserves you reprimanding her, not when she has enough going on in her life. Everyone here besides you has gone through hell, so I would stop shoving your nose into things, before it gets cut off." He snapped, with a eerily calm expression on his face.

"G-Ginoza..." You looked up at him. Mika ran off, angry and embarrassed by being yelled at by her subordinate. She was likely to write up a report ratting you out as a bad inspector later, but her and only her view you in that way. You and him continued your walk to the office, shoulder to shoulder.

"Thanks," you mumbled.

"For what? Defending you and myself?" He asked, giving you a glance.

"Yes, but for everything else as well. For being here for me." There was a long pause afterward, but in the elevator he replied, quietly.

"You're welcome." He had said, with a slight blush.

Gino walked out of the elevator, as did you. You were about to sit down and work on filing reports when he reminded you to take a nap. He explained to the others that you were working on a report all night long, and needed your rest to keep a clear psycho pass. You were napping next to Gino, and he would take an occasional glance to make sure you were sleeping well.

"She looks so peaceful when she's sleeping," He thought, and pushed it away. He couldn't spare time for love, and he didn't want to become too attached to you. He feared your mental health, due to your constant worry about Shinya.

"I'm surprised that she's lasted this long as an inspector," Yayoi said, "She's so stressed, but her hue is crystal clear." This made Ginoza irritated, yet puzzled. For one, Yayoi's practically insulting you. Yet, why are you so clear? You've been worrying nonstop about Shinya, for the past year, and you still have a powdery blue hue. He looked outside, at the rain, thinking about earlier and what you said.

You stirred in your sleep, mumbling quietly. He looked down at you, curled up on the sofa. He couldn't keep his thoughts pressed down, he couldn't stop wanting you.

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