Part 1

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So, today we were supposed to be celebrating me turning twelve. But that never happened. I was forgotten about my everyone. By my parents. By my other family. By my friends. I was stuck in my bedroom...on my own...on my birthday. I still didn't know why I've been forgotten about but after everything we have been through, I'm so upset by it. I feel like my life means nothing to these people and like they would be better off without me sometimes. That's the only impression I get sometimes and it's not exactly the best impression to get from people who are supposed to be your family. The people who are always supposed to be there. The people that are supposed to love and care for you. Yeah...I was constatly feeling like I was unwanted, unloved and unprotected. Something that you should never have to feel. If you ever feel it then I'm sorry because I know how you feel. It is possibly the worst feeling in the world.

I mean, how can your own parents forget your birthday? I've been alive for eleven years already and they've remembered every single year, apart from this year. What is so much more important than remembering their own daughter's birthday? Exactly...there is nothing. There is nothing more important than remembering your own child's birthday. And if there was something more important then surely I would have a right to know. As their daughter then I have the right to know what allows ALL my family to forget that it is my birthday today. I would say that I hate them it all, but I could never hate the people who had brought me up for my whole life. That would be selfish of me and it wouldn't be fair. But I am extremely upset by this whole event. I just want to cry but the tears won't come to me. No matter how sad I feel, I just can't bring myself to let the tears flow.

I should be used to this by now, ever since James was born, he's always been mum and dad's favourite child. They were always doing things with him and not even caring about my existance in this patetic excuse for a world. I mean, I had been kicked out of my bedroom and forced into the much smaller bedroom at the back of the house. I'd be surprised if any of them even loved me anymore with the way that they treat me sometimes. Mum and dad never tell me how much I mean to them anymore, Nathan is busy looking after Jake - who is obviously good friends with James since they were born only three weeks apart - and while all that is going on, Max, Siva and Jay don't have any time for me either because they're all so busy with their own lives. I know they have other things to do, but it would be nice for them to acknowledge me once every so often. I used to be the only child, but since Jake and James came along, it's all about them and making sure they're alright. I just seem to be an after thought to them all now.

I don't really know where I stand anymore. I don't even know if I'm part of my family anymore. I just feel so alone, like there is no one I can talk to. I feel like there is always going to be something more important than me in life and like I will never be as loved as I once was.

I hope no one I know ever has to feel like this. It is a terrible feeling and it makes everything seem like a dark and lonely place. Don't get me wrong, I love my family very much but I don't think they love me as much as they used to. How was I going to deal with this pain?

A Good Day For Love To Die [Sequel to Made For Each Other]Where stories live. Discover now