Part 5

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As soon as I heard dad leave the house, I thought that I should go downstairs and see mum. Just to let her know that I didn't hate her...well, I did hate her but she didn't need to know that. I could be very convincing when I wanted to be. I guess I must get that from my dad, he's good at lying as well. Come to think of it, mum is a pretty convincing liar as well. There's many times I've heard her lying to dad and I know she's been lying, but he falls for her lies every single time.

I feel sorry for him. You can tell that he really loves her but she doesn't love him anywhere near as much as she used to. After eight years of marriage, things are nowhere near as good as they used to be between them. They're always arguing with each other about everything and when I say everything, I mean everything. The other night, they argued about what we were going to have for dinner. Stupid right? I've also heard them arguing about me. Mum blames dad for me always being upset and says it's because he's never here, he's always away with the band. Which, may I just point out, is a lie. Dad does go away a lot, but not as much as he used to.

When James was first born, dad was never around. He was going on tour to all these different countries and we wouldn't see him for two or three months at a time. It was hard for us all. Having to get used to him never being at home, but we coped. Only just, but we did. Lauren was around here all the time with Jake which made things easier for mum. I had James and Jake to play with which was always fun. But then again, four month olds are easy to amuse. And having not long turned three, I was easily amused as well. However, once James and Jake both got to the age of one, Nathan and dad applied for more time of work and of course, much to the dismay of Siva, Max and Jay, they were granted the time off. Things got a little better after that. But not much, I'm not going to complain though because at least I got to see my dad and I got to spend time with him. That was fun while it lasted.

But enough of that. Time to  focus on the present. On the good stuff which is yet to happen, such as today with my dad. If he keeps his promise then today will be a lot of fun. Spending time with him. Rebuilding our relationship. Making up for lost time. Changing the present for a better future, that's what I'd like to think of it as. But if he breaks his promise then I'll be so upset and angry that I won't even want to see him. I'll tell him what I really think of him and it won't be good. That's the last thing I want to do though. I don't want to hurt my dad but he has to change and he has to start remembering that I am part of his life. Today will at least take some of the pain away and will continue to keep my hope alive. Even though it's a tiny bit of hope, it's enough to keep me going at a time like this. I hope that times will change. I hope that people will one day remember my only too boring existance. I hope that my parents will stop arguing and get along with each other. I also hope that James has a better life than I did - which, right now, is what he is getting. A far better life that what I had at his age. But at least one of us will grow up not resenting their parents for all the mistakes they made. At least they did the right thing with one of us.Gotta give them credit there, but I'll be the one in another ten years time, telling everyone the truth about my family. I mean, you've always got tha one member of the family who does that. In this case, it will be me.

I dragged myself from off my bed and opened the door just enough to hear the conversation which was going on between James and mum at this point. I didn't want to walk out and it be all awkward so I just listened to what they had to say;

"Mummy, why didn't Am come with us yesterday?" James asked.

"Because me and daddy wanted to spend some time with you..."

"But I'm always with you and daddy. You never do anything with Am anymore, why?"

"Well, we're doing something with you and Am today. We're all going to see Uncle Nathan and Auntie Lauren before going to see Uncle Seev and Auntie Nareesha...isn't that enough?" my mum replied. Like an eight year old is going to know what to say to that. He doesn't even know what's going on around him half the time because he's just in his own little world.

A Good Day For Love To Die [Sequel to Made For Each Other]Where stories live. Discover now