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Part 75

Our Responsibility to Love

"Heaven is the experience of life as it really is."

"When greed brings war and chaos, children die; when loving overcomes, then children thrive. And so we need ta Love, both you and I, and keep the hope o' Heaven here alive!"

For Every One of Us

"The hardened hearts of those who're out 'o touch... the cruelty of those who fail ta care – these call for us ta love, and Very Much, in fact, our loving 's needed Everywhere!"

A Guy's Prayer

"Please make of me a kinder, wiser man – please, help me do the very best I can. At times I might not be too sweet or smart, so, grant me, please, an understanding heart!"

Please, Hang in There!

"The Savior's love's the most inspiring stuff, much more than what I'll do, or say, or write. His love will always be much more 'n enough; his love 'll fill ya up with Heaven's light. So, please, do not lose hope, despair, or quit, if circumstances ever tempt your heart! Let Heaven keep your little love lamp lit; please, don't be scared ta make a brand new start!"

Why Trust Corporate-owned Media?

"A fool believes quite easily in lies, whatever comes his way he'll buy as real. Ya need ta know the truth, if you'd be wise, and many are the ones who'd kill and steal. Why trust in talking heads who're paid ta lie? 'Cause corporate media do lots o' That! Those holding shares don't care if people die; they think that cash, not love, is where it's at! So please don't be fooled!"


"Now, did ya pray about the choice ya made? It might not be too late to change your mind! Ya need ta make decisions unafraid, with patience, based on truth, completely kind. It's cool ta think again about what's right, and, carefully ta make the wisest plan. Somebody else just might could shed some light, and help ya do the very best ya can!"

Love Is Needed

"I must apply my self ta meeting needs, accomplishing the things that must be done. So, if that's sharin' truths, or pullin' weeds, please, help me, Lord, ta be a faithful one! Please help me take good care of me today, avoiding being negligent and dumb, and blessin' other folks, along the way; and may we all behold your kingdom come! There's people here at home; there's folks abroad, and all of 'em have need of loving care. Please, help me love 'em all, myself, and God, 'cause love is truly needed Everywhere!"

Brave and Faithful Love

"When angry desperation rules the mind, when fearful foolishness abducts the heart, decisions made are neither wise nor kind – it's brave and faithful love, my friend, that's smart. Ya know?"

For Guidance and Other Help

"Oh, Thank you, Lord, for blessin' me today! Please, help me be most merciful, and kind. Please, help me love, with all I do and say, toward bein' brave and honest much inclined. I know I'll need ta Practice All o' these, 'cause, Lord, I can't afford ta think I'm cool. I Must not do just Anything I please! The best o' guides 's the good ol' Golden Rule!"

Cautioning a Young Person

"Ya think you're indestructible; ya ain't. Ya wanta be a Super-hero, too; it isn't smart ta try ta be a Saint! Be kinder, younger friend 'o mine, ta You!"

Loving-kindness Saves

"Now, why did we elect the shameless ones? We seemed ta have a need ta self-destruct. We've killed abroad with missiles, bombs, and guns; in many ways our policies have sucked! When we must choose, let's choose true kindness first, 'cause that's the way ta turn this ship around. The foolish folks may always do their worst, but all the lost will change when they get found! – you better believe it!"

Because I Need to Learn

"Please help me learn from others' errors, Lord – there's lessons there I Must not leave ignored!"

Two Prayer Requests

"Please, Heaven, make of me an humble soul, 'cause pride can only lead ta self-defeat. The Glory's Yours, whatever be my role – just Help me keep my lovin' tough and sweet!"

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2020 ⏰

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