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That evening Vera and Renn were hosting a party for Renn's work, Renn was a author and he just released one of his new works.

Vera stood in the kitchen and watched her husband outside with a crowd of people surrounding him, she takes a sip from her wine. This was the last glass of wine she could have, considering she was trying for a baby.

"Hey Mrs. Hawkey!" One of the guest called out to Vera.

Vera turns and smiles, "Come, meet the new baby."

One of Vera and Renn's close friends just gave birth to a babygirl, the father was holding her in his arms as she was falling asleep. Vera smiled, she then noticed how many children were actually at the party and a frown appeared upon her face. She knew Renn was having a hard time and Vera couldn't help but feel the stress.

Later that night, Vera was getting ready for bed but she couldn't seem to find Renn anywhere.

"Renn?" She cried out. She began to panic. Running throughout the house, looking for where he could be. Vera runs to the bathroom door that was shut and she knocked a couple times. The house was silent. Vera opened the door and found Renn in the bathtub, full of water. He was passed out and there were drugs on the counter.

"Renn!" Vera pulled him out of the water, tears rushing down her face.

It was the next morning, both Vera and Renn were at the hospital. Renn was attached to various IVs. He laid in the bed asleep. The doctors told Vera he would be okay. They did everything they could to flush all the drugs out of his system. Vera lyed next to her husband in the hospital bed, the beeping from the machines echoing throughout the room.

Vera's eyes felt heavy, before she could fall asleep she got up and left the room. She decided to make her way back to her home. She rummaged through her office, to find a thermometer. She checked her temperature and wrote some notes down in a little journal.

Vera changed into a a lavender shirt and threw on a white blazer, "hey." She called out. "I'm going out, if I'm not back by the time you're done then just let yourself out." Vera called out the her housekeeper.

Vera closed the front door and made her way to her car. Just before getting in, she hesitated. She pulled out her phone from her purse and dialed, "yes I would like to go to New York please...1306 Henry Street."

Vera arrived at Patrick's apartment, they quickly undressed and Patrick was ontop of Vera. The bed underneath them squeaking. Patrick began moving faster inside Vera before finishing inside her. He got up and went to his bathroom.

Vera laid there on her back exposed, she pulled her legs closer to her. Pulling herself into a ball. Water from the bathroom started running. She figured Patrick was taking a shower. Vera gets up and puts her clothes back on and doesn't forget to leave the money for Patrick. She slips it under his clock. Vera leaves his apartment.

Inside the bathroom, Patrick was sitting on his toilet. He wasn't actually taking a shower. He figured she would leave if she knew he was showering. He turned off the water and went back to his bedroom and found the money. He took the money and put it in a box for savings.

Vera got back home and heard the piano playing, she softly walks upstairs to find Renn back home. She smiles. Walking up to him and placing her hands on his back.

"What are you playing." She asks calmly.

Renn paused, "nothing."

The room was filled with awkward silence. Vera walked to the door and placed her head against the frame. Renn went back to pushing his fingers against the keys.

"If you need anything let me know, okay?" Vera offered.

Renn ignored her and just kept playing.

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