Comments This is what some ppl have said!

38 3 3

@Pwnyunicorn comments are;
One time I was dancing to the music at Walgreens when I thought nobody could see me... I saw the camera -.-

Lol means lots of lamas

@D4DXTREME9 comments are;
That kid who says you have a crush on someone and spread a bad rumour about its true when it's not

This girl named Jess she is always holding my shoulder when I come to highschool but when I saw I've already got a gf she says nothing. Same thing happens the next day

Mineplex and
5. I was on wattpad a week ago and forgot my password
4. When u team with 17 other ppl and u die from a dude named kaintops
3. Never tell a secret
2.i burnt myself and got a scar
1.negative comment on wattpad.

I get annoyed when Mackenzie says "lol" instead of laughing and 193 means love

Lol means- loads of laundry
Far out an injury I've had this broken bone. I was so popular in primary school everyone wanted a go

Cool butts. They show off
Idk what this comment is about...

When my sister saw me getting dressed and hugged a kindergarten for helping me

Ok so that's all the recent kinda comments
Any ideas??? Comment here!
Lots of love

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