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For the longest time, Dorothy and her new friends kept walking. Trudging across the countryside passing many different farms, cornfields, and a few rivers. They had no earthly idea where they were going; quite frankly, they didn't care. As long as they were far away from Ms. Gulch as possible, even if it pained Dorothy to leave her family behind, what choice did she have?

Every now and then, Dorothy would look over her shoulder. On one hand, she was making sure they weren't being followed. But at the same time, she was looking back toward the only place she had ever known and was now leaving behind. The ponies and Spike took notice of what Dorothy was doing and couldn't help but feel concerned.

"Ya'll alright, Dorothy?" Applejack asked.

"It's not too late to turn back, darling," Rarity assured.

"No, I'm alright," Dorothy insists. "I miss them dearly, but I can't go back now. I won't let them take away Toto or my new best friends."

Though every pony was touched by Dorothy's kindness, they felt somewhat guilty for being one of the reasons Dorothy had to leave the farm.

"You know, Rainbow," Fluttershy whispered. "I feel just awful about all this."

"Me too, Fluttershy," Rainbow Dash nodded. "But that old windbag, wart-faced Gulch will be waiting for us even if we do go back."

Rainbow Dash may not have known this Gulch for long, but just thinking about how awful this woman was made her growl. True she was always taught to 'love and tolerate' even the lowliest of creatures, but this Gulch was different, she could feel it in her bones. The next time she sees that woman face-to-face, no matter what any pony says, she's giving her one-for.

As the group continued their journey, walking along a bridge over a river, Toto's barking drew them to the side. Before their eyes, they stumbled upon what appears to be an old wagon parked along the riverbank. As they drew closer, they could make out the bit of writing along the side.

Professor Marvel

Acclaimed by The Crown Heads of Europe

Let Him Read Your Past-Present and Future in his Crystal Ball

Also Juggling and Sleight of Hand

As the group studied the sign, every pony heard a light sound as if someone was humming a tune. As they rounded the carriage to investigate, they stumble upon an elderly man stepping out of the carriage. He wore checkered slacks, a dress shirt and vest, a black dress coat and a simple tie. He soon noticed the farm girl and the ponies, not seeing Spike hidden behind the girls, and smiled.

"Well, well, well," He chuckled. "House guests, huh? And who might you be?"

The ponies and Dorothy were just about to respond, until...

"No, no – Now don't tell me."

The man sat by the fire, picking up a stick with a wiener on one end as if that was going to be his supper. He studies the girl and her unusual friends, stroking his bearded chin while figuring out who they were... Or for that matter, whatthey are (Especially seeing the most unusual appendages on some of these ponies). Rainbow Dash, her eyebrow raised, leans over to Twilight.

"Is this guy for real?" She whispers.

Twilight merely shrugs as the man finally spoke again.

"Let's see – You're – You're travelling in disguise. No, that's not right. I – You're – You're going on a visit. No, I'm wrong. That's... You're – You're running away."

"How did you guess?" Dorothy smiled.

"Professor Marvel never guesses --- He knows!" The old man chuckled.

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