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On the outskirts of Oz, at the castle of the Wicked Witch, the green-skinned sorceress herself was hard at work studying through the Tome in search for the answers she craved. Ever since she discovered the Elements of Harmony, she intended to use their magic to further enhance her power, along with the ruby slippers, this way her power would be unmatched. Once she finally seizes control over Oz, she'd set her sights on this 'Equestria' the ponies came from and whichever worlds are out there. But for the moment, however, she found... Nothing.

The Wicked Witch searched everywhere, page after page, neither which told her how to use the crystals for herself. All it said was whomever 'owns' the Elements can harness their magic. She slams the heavy book shut.

"Stupid little ponies!" She groans, irritated. "There has to be something in here that will allow me to use these powers for my own purpose! But what could it be!?"

Growling, blinded by anger and frustration, the Witch hurls the tome across the room, and it hit hard against the wall.

"I must find a way," The Witch thought, scratching her chin. "But how do I get it?!"

Just then, her thoughts are interrupted by the screeching of Chistery, who jumps up and down near her crystal ball.

"This better be good or I'll cook you for dinner," She threatened, then thought. "Hmm... I always wondered what 'monkey' tastes like. Bah!"

The Wicked Witch strode over toward the crystal ball, as the image of the ponies and their friends appear. Before her eyes, they were walking side-by-side through the dark forest. The very sight brought a smile to her face, as the Witch cackled.

"A-hah! So! You won't take warning, eh? All the worse for you, then. I'll take care of you now instead of later! Hah!"

The Witch makes her way back to the table she was at, grabbing a few ingredients sitting next to her ornate hourglass with red sand. She mashes the ingredients together with a pestle and mortar, as she returns to her crystal ball.

"When I gain those ruby slippers and discover how these Elements work, my power will be the greatest in Oz!" The Witch declares. "And now, my beauties! Something with poison in it, I think. With poison in it, but attractive to the eye – And soothing to the smell!"

The Witch laughs, as the smoke slowly rose from the mortar. She waves the pestle in a circular motion around the crystal ball. The image of the group quickly disappears, soon replaced by a field of beautiful pink-and-red flowers.

"Poppies! Poppies! Poppies will put them to sleep! Sleep... Now they'll sleep..."


Meanwhile, the motley group continued their trek through the woods. Eventually, they notice a light at the end signifying the end was upon them.

"Hey guys!" Twilight calls out. "I think I see the end of the forest up ahead!"

"Oh, thank goodness!" Dorothy sighs, relieved. "I thought we'd be stuck in this forest forever."

"M-M-Me too!" Fluttershy whimpered.

Rarity continues comforting Fluttershy, just as she'd been doing since they first entered the forest.

"No need to worry, Fluttershy dear," Rarity said, sweetly. "We're almost out of the woods."

"So, you guys have faced danger and dastardly villains where you come from?" Lion asked the ponies. "And on a daily basis, too?"

"Yep!" Rainbow nods, flipping in mid-air. "We've tussled with the biggest, toughest and meanest villains Equestria has to offer. I don't need to brag..."

Cinematic Adventures: The Wizard of OzWhere stories live. Discover now